

访客open work permits for vulnerable workers经济萨省移民job offer配偶学习进行商务访问外籍临时劳工全球人才项目家庭担保IMM5556Eopen work permitExpress Entry教育证书评估work permit空缺职位处理时间教育guidesMigrant Workers费用移民社交网络co-op work permitIMM1295E


    • 招聘费用的规定
    • 所有人都需要填写的文件
    • 住家护理员/护理员要填写的文件
    • 访问学者和博士后要填写的文件
    • 跨国企业内部人员调动需要填写的文件


表格版本:IMM5923 E (05-2016)





Document Checklist – Work Permit
(available in Chinese)

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加拿大工签申请文件核对表 - 工作许可(中文版)




Please read this kit carefully before submitting your application. The documentation you provide with your application is necessary to establish that your entry to Canada would not be contrary to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. IRCC may refuse your application if you fail to provide complete, truthful, and accurate materials.

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IRCC will assess your Work Permit application based on the documents you submit. Please ensure that you submit all relevant documents as outlined in this application kit.



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You must submit all documents at the same time as your application and processing fee. IRCC will only accept documents in English or French. Include an English or French translation with all Chinese documents.


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Warning: Providing fraudulent documentation or false information is a grave offence. If you or someone acting on your behalf directly or indirectly misrepresents facts relating to your application for a Work Permit:
(警告: 提供不实文件或虚假信息是严重过失行为。如果你或代表你的某人直接或间接的歪曲了与你的工作许可申请相关的事实:)

  • your application will be refused;(你的申请将被拒绝;)
  • the circumstances of your refusal will be entered into Canada’s global immigration database; and(与此拒签相关的信息将被录入加拿大的全球移民数据库;并且)
  • you could become inadmissible to Canada for two to five (2-5) years under section 40 (2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.(依据加拿大移民及难民保护法第 40 章第 2 节,你可能在今后两年至五年内不能被获准进入加拿大。)


Recruitment fees 招聘费用

Please be aware that workers destined to Canada under the “Pilot Project for Occupations Requiring Lower Levels of Formal Training (NOC C and D)” are prohibited from paying a recruitment fee, a placement fee or for their transportation costs to Canada. Such payments are solely the responsibility of the employer. Payment of these fees by employees contravenes conditions outlined on the Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) confirmation rendering it invalid. This may lead to refusal of the application for a Work Permit.

(请注意,属于”试验项目-需要低等级正规培训的职业”(NOC C和D)前往加拿大的劳务人员,禁止支付招聘费用、安置费用或其前往加拿大的交通费用。这些费用完全由雇主承担。雇员支付此类费用与加拿大就业和社会发展部(ESDC)确认函之规定相违背、并会导致此确认函无效,相应的工作许可申请也可能被拒签。)


Payment of recruitment fees and placement fees by employees are also illegal according to some provincial laws in Canada, including in Alberta, British Colombia and Manitoba.


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If you have paid a fee to a recruiter located in China or in Canada, it is your responsibility to inform your Canadian employer. You and your employer must ensure the conditions of the ESDC confirmation and all provincial laws have been respected.



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Document Checklist 文件核对表

IRCC may return your application if any of the required documents are missing. 

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Include an English or French translation with all Chinese documents 


Completed “Application for a Work Permit” form (IMM 1295). 申请人完整填写 “工作许可申请” 表格 (IMM 1295).


Completed “Family Composition Information” and “Details of Education and Employment” form for the applicant, completed in English or French AND Chinese. 
申请人完整填写 “家庭成员信息表”和 “教育就业细节表”(填表示例) ,请使用中英文或中法文填写。

Your valid passport and a valid passport for each accompanying family member. There must be one completely blank page other than the last page, available in each passport and each passport must be valid for at least six (6) months prior to travel.

Two (2) photos of you and each accompanying family member. All photos must meet the requirements of the Photo Specifications. On the back of one photo in each set, write the name and date of birth of the person appearing in the photo. Applicants who need to give their biometrics do not need to submit paper photographs. 

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Copy of your national identity document (photo side only) 申请人中国身份证复印件(照片页即可)

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A notarized copy of your No Criminal Activity Certificate. You must obtain a police certificate from each country or territory where you have lived for six consecutive months or longer since reaching the age of 18. 
警方无犯罪记录证明的公证件。年满18 岁后若在某国家或地区曾连续居住六个月或以上、则必须从此国家或地区获取警方无犯罪记录证明。

A copy of the employment contract signed by the applicant and the employer in Canada OR an original letter of offer with a detailed description of expected duties and length of employment. 

A copy of your Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA); 申请人的劳动力市场影响力评估(LMIA)副本;

OR documentation explaining that you are applying to a Labour Market Impact Assessment exempt occupation. Please specify which exemption you are applying under or which occupation that permits you to apply concurrently for a Labour market Impact Assessment and a Work Permit; 

OR to a Provincial/Territorial Nominee Program (PNP) letter.  提供省级/地区级提名项目(PNP)信函

A copy of your letter of employment and evidence of experience, if applicable.

Evidence of a Certificat d’acceptation du Québec (CAQ) from the Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Diversité et de l’Inclusion (MIDI), if you intend to work in Quebec. 

If the Labour Market Impact Assessment provided by ESDC indicates the need for membership in a professional association in Canada, please provide proof of this membership. 
如果ESDC 劳动力市场影响力评估中要求加拿大某专业社团的成员资质,请提供 有关此资质的证明。

A copy of your occupational and professional certificates (example: Occupational Qualification Certificate), if relevant to employment in Canada. 

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If you are applying for an open work permit you will be required to pay an additional open work permit fee 


Applicants applying in the categories below should also submit the following documents




If you have not worked in Canada under the Live-in Caregiver Program and your employer's Labour Market Impact Assessment application was received by Service Canada after November 30, 2014: 
如果申请人没有作为住家护理员在加拿大工作过,并且加拿大服务局在2014 年11 月30 日之后收到申请人雇主的劳动力市场影响力评估申请:

  • you must apply for a regular work permit under the Caregiver Program 申请人必须申请常规工作许可的护理员类别



If you have not worked in Canada under the Live-in Caregiver Program and your employer's Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) application was received by Service Canada on or before November 30, 2014
如果申请人没有作为住家护理员在加拿大工作过,并且加拿大服务局在2014 年11 月30 日或之前 收到申请人雇主的劳动力市场影响力评估(LMIA)申请:

  • you may apply for a Live-in Caregiver Program (LCP) work permit (instructions are on this page) 


If you already have a LCP work permit and you want to extend it or change jobs to work with another employer who agrees to a live-in arrangement: 
如果申请人已有 LCP 工作许可 ,希望 延期 或与另一位雇主就护理达成协议并要更换工作:

  • you may apply for a Live-in Caregiver Program(LCP) work permit. 


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If you choose to live out of your employer's home, you will be leaving the Live-in Caregiver Program: 

  • You will need to apply for a regular work permit. Your current or future employer will need a new Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) before you apply. 申请人将需要申请常规工作许可,申请人申请前、其目前或未来雇主将需要申请新的劳动力市场影响评估(LMIA)。
  • The work you do on a live-out basis may count towards the work requirement in order to apply through either the Caring for Children or Caring for People with High Medical Needs pathway. 申请人不留宿式工作经历可用于申请照顾儿童 或 照顾高医疗需要者类别





A copy of the Offer of Employment form that your employer sent to Citizenship and Immigration Canada. The form must include the receipt number of the employer compliance fee your employer paid. This will appear in box 3 of the completed form. 
申请人雇主将工作机会表格副本寄往加拿大公民身份和移民部,此表格必须包含雇主已经缴纳的雇主合规费单据号码,填写在表格第 3 栏中。

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A one-page research proposal outlining: 一页包含以下内容的研究计划书:

  • brief description of research to be undertaken in Canada; 将在加进行的研究概述;
  • the goals of research and its relationship to applicant's academic pursuits in China 研究目标以及此研究与申请人在中国学术工作的关系;
  • how applicant was chosen; 申请人如何被选中;
  • what funding applicant will be receiving. 申请人将接受何种资助.

If you are receiving any funding from a school in Canada or other organization, provide the original letter containing details of the funding you are to receive during each year of proposed course of study and one (1) copy. 

A notarized copy of any college diploma, undergraduate degree or graduate degree granted. 

Original and one copy of detailed letter of invitation specifying: 详述以下要点的邀请信原件及一份副本:

  • position that applicant will occupy; 申请人将从事的职位;
  • expected duration of employment; 预期雇佣期限;
  • remuneration or funding provided by inviter (if any);  邀请方资助金额(如适用);
  • the nature of research to be undertaken; 将进行的研究的性质;
  • details of how applicant's research will be supervised; 详述申请人的研究将如何被监管;
  • details regarding the project's Canadian funding; 该项目加方资助的详情;
  • details of how and why the applicant was chosen. 申请人通过何种形式以及因何种原因被选中.


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A copy of the Offer of Employment form that your employer sent to Citizenship and Immigration Canada. The form must include the receipt number of the employer compliance fee your employer paid. This will appear in box 3 of the completed form.
申请人雇主将工作机会表格副本寄往加拿大公民身份和移民部,此表格必须包含雇主已经缴纳的雇主合规费单据号码,填写在表格第3 栏中。


A notarized copy of any college diploma, undergraduate degree or graduate degree granted, relevant to the position in Canada.

Detailed letter of invitation outlining exact duties in Canada and specifying why applicant is required.

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Proof of inviter's business’ establishment in Canada including Notices of Assessment (issued by Canada Revenue Agency) for past two years, Articles of Incorporation, business licence and balance sheet

Description and supporting evidence of relationship between enterprise in Canada and enterprise in the PRC

A copy of the letter of employment from your current employer granting leave of absence, and including the following information: applicant's name, position and current salary. This letter must include employer's name and address in Chinese characters as well as telephone and fax number.

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