博主好心提醒:移民中介机构最喜欢这个代理人了,甚至吓唬申请用户如果不填此表怎样怎样。其实对于普通申请者而言,代理人不是必须的,完全可以自己操刀来办理申请,没必要花这个冤枉钱。移民签证申请文件白纸黑字,加拿大官方不会暗箱操作,对每个人都是比较公平的。只要你合乎要求,基本上就没问题;如果你不合乎要求,把神仙请来 申请也不会被批准。
申请表版本:IMM 5476 (11-2021) E
防欺诈提醒:加拿大签证申请中心(Canada Visa Application Center, CVAC)经由加拿大政府授权(是加拿大政府(签证处)在大陆的唯一外包的签证、移民服务机构),专为在中国居民提供临时居民访问签证申请(访问类、学习许可和工作许可),以及为加拿大永久居民提供旅行证件申请服务。网址为:visa.vfsglobal.com/chn/zh/can/ ,其他类似在中国的网站都为仿冒或高仿,请谨慎参考它们。
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在申请加拿大签证时,代理人信息表(IMM5476E)是使用非常广的一张申请表。包括申请加拿大工作许可(工签)、学习许可(学签)、旅游签证、探亲签证、父母和祖父母担保移民 等都有可能接触到此表。现把此表翻译过来,供大家参考。建议结合填表指南Guide 5561填写此表。更多关于代理人的信息,可以在此处了解。
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You do not need to hire a representative, it is your choice. No one can guarantee the approval of your application. All the forms and information that you need to apply are available for free at www.cic.gc.ca.
你不必雇用代理人,这是你的选择。没有人可以保证你的申请能够被批准。所有需要填写的申请表和信息可以免费在加拿大移民部官网 www.cic.gc.ca 获得。
A representative is someone who has provided advice or guidance to you at any stage of the application process, whether that person received consideration (i.e. compensation) or not. Following the submission of your application, that person may conduct business on your behalf with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) if you appoint them as your representative by filling out this form. The preceding includes Express Entry submissions. You may have one representative only per application. If you appoint an additional representative, the previous representative will no longer be authorized to conduct business on your behalf and receive information on your case file.
代理人在申请人申请的任何阶段可以给申请人提供建议、咨询或指导,不管此人是否收到报酬(例如,补偿)。如果你指派代理人代表你,需要填写此表,其将会在申请时负责代表你与 加拿大移民、难民及公民部(IRCC)、加拿大边境服务局(CBSA) 交涉。这一过程包括通过“快速通道”系统提交申请。每个申请只允许有一位代理人。如果你指派额外的代理人,前一位代理人将不再被授权代表你、并接受申请相关信息。
Note: You must use this form to appoint a paid or unpaid representative to conduct business with IRCC or the CBSA on your behalf. You must also use this form to: 1. notify IRCC if your representative's contact information changes, 2. if you wish to cancel the appointment of your current representative and represent yourself, or, 3. if you wish to cancel the appointment of your current representative and appoint a new representative
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时光在路上(www.timezls.com)提醒:你必须使用此表指派无偿或有偿代理人代表你与 IRCC 或 CBSA 打交道。你也必须使用这张表来:
- 1. 通知 IRCC 代理人联系信息的变更;
- 2. 取消目前代理人并且自己亲自申请;或
- 3. 取消目前的代理人并且指定新的代理人。
I am:(我正在)
- appointing a representative. Complete Sections A, B and D. 指派代理人。填写 A、B 和 D 部分。
- cancelling the appointment of a representative. Complete Section A, C and D. 取消代理人的指派。填写 A、C 和 D 部分
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1. Your full name 你的全名
- Family name (Surname) 姓氏
- Given name(s) 名字
2. Your date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD)出生日期(年-月-日)
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3. If you have already submitted your application:如果你已经提交申请
- Name of office where the application was submitted 所提交的签证办公室名称
- Type of application (permanent residence, extension of study permit, etc.) 申请类型(永久居民,学签延期,公民身份,等)
4. Your Client Identification (ID) or Unique Client Identifier (UCI) number identification number (if known)你的 IRCC 身份识别编号(如果知道的话)
- Client Identification (ID) or 客户标志识别编号 或
- Unique Client Identifier (UCI) number 唯一客户标识符编号(时光在路上(www.timezls.com)提醒:请参考我的文章:《什么是UCI》)
I authorize the following individual to serve as my representative and to conduct business on my behalf with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada and Canada Border Services Agency. Note: Even if a representative is being paid or compensated by someone other than you (the applicant), the representative is still considered to be a compensated representative.
我授权此人作为我的代理人,代表我与 IRCC 和 CBSA 处理申请事宜。(时光在路上(www.timezls.com)提醒:即使 其他人 给你(申请人)的代理人付费或支付报酬,该代理人仍旧会被认为是有偿代理人)
I authorize Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada and Canada Border Services Agency to release information from my case file and that of my dependent children under 18 years of age to my representative. This authorization is in accordance with the Privacy Act.
我授权 IRCC 和 CBSA 可以披露 申请材料中 我及我年满 18 岁受抚养子女的个人信息 给我的代理人。此授权依据是《隐私法》。
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I am aware that any information which would be subject to exemption, if I had the right of access under the Privacy Act or the Access to Information Act, will likely not be released.
5. Your representative's full name你的代理人全名
- Family name (Surname) 姓氏
- Given name(s) 名字
6. Your representative: (tick one box) is
(i) is UNCOMPENSATED and is a 你的代理人是无偿代理人(勾选一项),并且是
- Friend or family member 家庭成员或朋友
- member of the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC), a Canadian provincial or territorial law society, or the Chambre des notaires du Québec 加拿大移民顾问监管委员会、加拿大省/地区法律协会或魁北克公证员协会的成员
- Which province or territory? - 哪个省或地区?
- Membership ID number - 成员ID号
- other (please specify) 其他(请详细说明)
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OR 或者
(ii) is, or will be, COMPENSATED and is a member in good standing of: 是或将是有偿的,并且是在下列组织内声誉良好的成员:
- -the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC) 加拿大移民和公民顾问管理局
- Membership ID number 会员 ID 编号
- -a Canadian provincial or territorial law society 加拿大省/地区的法律协会
- Which province or territory? 哪个省或地区?
- Membership ID number 会员ID编号
- -the Chambre des notaires du Québec魁北克公证员协会
- Membership ID number 会员ID编号
7. Your representative's contact information你的代理人的联系信息
- Name of firm or organization (if applicable)公司或组织名称(如果适用的话)
- If student-at-law, write the name of the supervising lawyer 如果是法律实习生,填写监管律师的名字
- Supervising lawyer membership ID 监管律师的会员 ID
- Mailing address 邮寄地址
- Apt/Unit 单元/公寓
- Street no 街道号码
- Street name 街道名称
- City/Town 城市/乡镇
- Province/State/Territory 省/州/地区
- Country or territory 国家 或 地区
- Postal code/ZIP 邮编
- Telephone number 电话号码
- Country Code 国家代码
- Area Code and Telephone number 地区代码和电话号码
- Fax number 传真号
- Country Code 国家代码
- Area Code and Telephone number 地区代码和电话号码
- Email address (if applicable) 电子邮件地址(如果适用)
By indicating your representative's e-mail address, you are hereby authorizing Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada to transmit your file and personal information to this specific email address. 填写代理人的电邮地址,此举意味着你特此授权 IRCC 将你的文件和个人信息发送给这个特定地址。
8. Your representative's declaration:你的代理人的声明
- I declare that the information in Section B is truthful, complete and correct. 我声明 B 部分所填写的信息是真实、完整和正确的。
- I understand and accept that I am the person appointed by the applicant to conduct business on the applicant or sponsor's behalf with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada and Canada Border Services Agency. 我理解并接受申请人指派我作为代理人、代表申请人或担保人与 IRCC 和CBSA 处理申请人申请相关事宜。
- Signature of representative 代理人签字
- Date(YYYY-MM-DD)日期(年 - 月 - 日)
I withdraw my authorization for this person to serve as my representative, to receive information on my case file and to conduct business on my behalf with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada and Canada Border Services Agency. 我撤销此人作为我代理人的授权,以及 此人接收的申请文件的信息、代表我与 IRCC 和 CBSA 交涉的权利。
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9. Your representative's full name你的代理人的姓名
- Family name (Surname) 姓氏
- Given name(s) 名字
- Name of firm or organization (if applicable) 公司或组织的名称(如果适用)
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10. Your declaration你的声明
- I declare that I have fully and truthfully answered all questions on this form and any attached application (if applicable).我声明:我充分并且真实回答了此申请表中的所有问题、以及任何所附申请(如果适用的话)
- I also declare that I have read and understood all the statements on this form, having asked and obtained an explanation for every point that was not clear to me. 而且声明:我已经阅读并理解表中的所有陈述内容,已经询问并得到了关于每一个不清楚之处的解释。
- Signature of applicant 申请人签字
- Date (YYYY-MM-DD) 日期(年 - 月 - 日)
- Signature of spouse or common-law partner for sponsorship application担保申请时配偶或同居伴侣签字
- Date (YYYY-MM-DD) 日期(年 - 月 - 日)
Warning! It is a serious offence to give false or misleading information on this form.
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Personal information provided on this form is collected by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) under the authority of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) and of the Citizenship Act. The personal information of the applicant is used for identification and authorization purposes. The personal information of the immigration representative is used to verify that the representative is authorized to offer representation services according to the provisions of IRPA and of the Citizenship Act.
本表格所提供的个人信息由加拿大移民、难民和公民部(IRCC)根据《移民和难民保护法》(IRPA)和《公民法》收集。申请人的个人信息用作身份识别及授权用途。移民代理人的个人信息用于核实移民代理人是否有权根据 IRPA 和《公民法》的规定提供代理服务。
The personal information of both the applicant and the representative may be disclosed to other federal government institutions, non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations, regulatory bodies, investigative bodies, and provincial/territorial governments for the purposes of validating identity, information, and supporting an investigation.
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Personal information of both the applicant and the representative may be used for other purposes including research, statistics, program and policy evaluation, internal audit, compliance, risk management, strategy development and reporting.
Failure to complete the form in full will result in a delay to processing. The Privacy Act gives individuals the right of access to, protection, and correction of their personal information. If you are not satisfied with the manner in which IRCC handles your personal information, you may exercise your right to file a complaint to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. The collection, use, disclosure and retention of your personal information is further described in IRCC's Personal Information Bank - IRCC PPU 013, 042, 054, 068.
未能完整填写表格将导致处理延迟。《隐私法》赋予个人访问、保护和更正个人信息的权利。如果您对 IRCC 处理您个人信息的方式不满意,可以行使向加拿大隐私专员办公室投诉的权利。有关您个人信息的收集、使用、披露和保留,请参阅 IRCC 的个人信息库 - IRCC PPU 013, 042, 054, 068。
时光在路上 最后编辑于:2022年3月2日
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