表格版本:IMM 5484 (01-2018) E
- 《申请以游客身份访加签证》
- 《申请新的签证(加拿大临时居民)》(在加拿大境内的申请者使用)
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This document checklist is one of the forms that you need to submit with your application.
Consult the Instruction Guide (IMM 5256) to find out if you are required to provide some or all of the forms and documents listed in this checklist.
可以查看申请指南文件(Guide IMM 5256),确认自己是否需要此文件核对表中的所有表格和文件。
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If your documents are in a language other than English or French, check with the responsible visa office for your region to determine whether they need to be translated.
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If any of the required documents listed below are missing, the processing of your application could be delayed.
Gather your documents in order of the checklist and check “√” each item.
I have enclosed the following items: 我已经附上下列各项:
FORMS LIST: The following CIC forms must be completed, signed and dated.
表格清单:必须完成下列 IRCC 表格的填写、签字并签署日期。
- Application for Temporary Resident Visa (IMM 5257) 加拿大临时居民签证申请表 [IMM 5257]
- Note: If this application form is completed on a computer it must be validated to generate a barcode. Print and place the barcode page (page 5 of 5) on the top of your application (or if applying as a group, each individual application package).
注意:如果在电脑上填写此申请表,最后必须点击确认按钮,这样才能生成条形码。打印并把条形码页(第 5 页)放在申请材料最上面(或者,如果集体申请,将各自条形码页单独放在各自申请材料最上面。)
- Note: If this application form is completed on a computer it must be validated to generate a barcode. Print and place the barcode page (page 5 of 5) on the top of your application (or if applying as a group, each individual application package).
- Family Information form. Must be completed by those aged 18 years or older.
家庭信息表。年满 18 岁的申请者必须填写此表。- Note: You must complete the Family Information form (IMM 5707) listed in the application package for your region.
- Note: You must complete the Family Information form (IMM 5707) listed in the application package for your region.
- Statutory Declaration of Common-law Union (IMM 5409) 同居伴侣共同法定声明表 (IMM 5409)
- Note: Refer to the responsible visa office for your region. 时光在路上(www.timezls.com)提醒:请咨询负责当地签证的签证处
- Use of a Representative (IMM 5476) 代理人信息表 (IMM 5476)
- Note: Complete this form only if you used the services of a representative, or if you are appointing or cancelling a representative.
时光在路上(www.timezls.com)提醒: 仅在你正接受指定代理人提供的服务时、或者指定/取消代理人时,才填写此表
- Note: Complete this form only if you used the services of a representative, or if you are appointing or cancelling a representative.
- Authority to Release Personal Information to a Designated Individual (IMM 5475)
向指定个人披露个人信息授权表 (IMM 5475)本文禁止全文转载。任何形式转载请联系作者(时光在路上 www.timezls.com) Copyright © 2025. All Rights Reserved
- Note: Complete this form only if you authorize Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) to release information from your case file to someone other than yourself.
注意:仅在你授权 IRCC 和 CBSA 可以从你申请材料中披露个人信息给其他人时才填写此表。
- Note: Complete this form only if you authorize Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) to release information from your case file to someone other than yourself.
- Fee payment in an acceptable format. Please ensure to include the application processing fee and, if applicable, the biometric fee. Verify acceptable methods of payment with the Visa office or Visa Application Centre (VAC) responsible for your region.
以可接受的方式支付费用。包括申请处理费和任何其他申请费用,例如生物信息采集费。联系负责当地签证事务的签证处或签证中心,以确认付款方式。- Note: Visa offices do not accept payment receipts from Canadian banks.
- Note: Visa offices do not accept payment receipts from Canadian banks.
- A Photocopy of the information page of your valid passport or travel document which includes: 有效护照或履行文件上有照片一页的信息应包括:
- The passport number; 护照编号,
- The issuance and expiry dates; 签发日期和过期日期,
- Your photo, name, date and place of birth. 你的照片,姓名和出生地
- Note: There must be one completely blank page other than the last page available in each passport. Refer to the responsible visa office for your region.
- Two photos meeting the requirements of the Visa application photograph specifications. On the back of two photos, write your name and date of birth. 两张满足要求的签证申请照片。在每张照片背面填写自己的姓名和出生日期。
- Note: If you are required to provide biometric fingerprints and photo, you are not required to include paper photos with your application.
- Note: If you are required to provide biometric fingerprints and photo, you are not required to include paper photos with your application.
- Proof of Financial Support. You must include proof that you can support yourself and any family members accompanying you while you are in Canada.
资金证明。包括能够维持你以及与你随行的任何家庭成员在加期间生活的资金证明文件。 - Photocopy of your Marriage License/Certificate 结婚证书复印件
- Note: Refer to the responsible visa office for your region. 注:可咨询当地加拿大签证处。
- Purpose of Travel 旅行目的
- Note: Refer to the responsible visa office for your region. 注:可咨询当地加拿大签证处。
- Photocopy of your current immigration status: If your country of residence differs from the country of citizenship listed on your passport, you must provide proof of legal status in your country of residence.
你目前移民身份的复印件:如果你居住的国家不同于你护照上标示的国籍国名称,你必须提供所在居住国家的合法身份证明。 - Minors travelling alone or with one parent must provide custody documents or a letter of authorization from the other non accompanying parent or a letter of authorization signed by both parents or legal guardians.
未成年人独自旅行或者跟随父母一方旅行必须提供监护证明、或来自非随行父母一方的授权信、或父母双方、法定监护人签字的授权信- Note: Refer to the responsible visa office for your region.注:可咨询当地签证处提供的指南文件。
- Any additional documents required by the responsible visa office. 任何当地签证处所要求的额外文件
- Note: Refer to the visa specific instructions for your region. 注:可咨询当地签证处提供的指南文件。
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- A Letter of invitation from your child or grandchild residing in Canada as a permanent resident or Canadian citizen. 来自定居在加拿大、身为加拿大永久居民或公民的子女或孙子女的邀请信
- Note: You must also include your host child or host grandchild's family composition (dependants, including spouse, children or other relatives that are financially dependent on your host child or host grandchild).
- Note: You must also include your host child or host grandchild's family composition (dependants, including spouse, children or other relatives that are financially dependent on your host child or host grandchild).
- One of the following documents to prove that your child or grandchild meets the Low Income Cut-Off (LICO) minimum: 以下文件之一,证明你的子女或孙子女满足最低收入标准:
- Most recent copy of the Notice of Assessment. If you do not have a paper copy of your Notice of Assessment on file, you can view (and print) your tax return(s) as well as other personal tax information using the CRA's My Account online service. To register or login, visit My Account for Individuals.
加拿大税务总局出具的最近的税单。如果你没有纸质版的税单,可以使用加拿大税务局网站中的账户(My Account)登录,查看(打印)你的税务报表和其他个人税务信息。如果要注册并登录该网站,请浏览 My Account for Individuals 。 - Most recent copy of the T4 or T1; 最近 T4 或 T1 的副本;
- Original letter from employer stating title, job description and salary; 来自雇主的包含职位名称、职位描述和薪水的陈述函原件;
- Employment insurance pay stubs; 就业保险福利金支付存根;
- If self-employed, a letter from an accountant confirming their annual income; 如果是自雇,需要会计师关于其年收入的确认函;
- Proof of other sources of income (pension statement, investments, etc.). 其他来源收入的证明(养老金账单、投资,等)。
- Most recent copy of the Notice of Assessment. If you do not have a paper copy of your Notice of Assessment on file, you can view (and print) your tax return(s) as well as other personal tax information using the CRA's My Account online service. To register or login, visit My Account for Individuals.
- Evidence of the parent or grandparent relationship to the Canadian citizen or permanent resident you wish to visit (copy of birth certificate, baptismal certificate or other official document naming you as parent or grandparent).
与你要访问的加拿大公民或永久居民之间的父母、祖父母关系证明(出生证明副本、洗礼证明副本和其他能确认你是父母、祖父母的官方文件副本) - Proof of private medical insurance coverage for a minimum of one year with a Canadian insurance company (copy of the insurance certificate or policy).
时光在路上 最后编辑于:2021年10月2日
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