核对表版本:IMM 5556 (05-2021) E
更多信息,请参考《外籍临时劳工申请工签》、《外籍临时劳工的工签延期 》、《加拿大境外申请工签指南 guide 5487》、《外籍劳工申请在加变更工作条件或在加延期指南 – Guide5553》和《工作许可(工签)申请用表》这 5 篇文章。

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This document checklist is one of the forms that you need to submit with your application. Refer to the Instruction Guide (IMM 5553) to find out if you are required to provide some or all forms and documents listed in this checklist. If any of the required documents are missing, your application form may be returned or refused. Do not submit original documents unless instructed to do so. Original documents will not be returned.
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此文件核对表为需要提交的申请材料之一。参考申请指南(IMM 5553),检查是否需要提交列表中一部分或者所有表格和文件。如果所要求提交的任何文件缺失,你的申请材料将会被退回或者被拒。不要提交文件原件,除非要求这么做。文件原件将不会被退回。
All documents in a language other than English or French must be translated. Provide both a photocopy of the document and the translation in English or French.
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Important: if you are also applying for study permit, you must include the fees and documents required to assess your application for that permit. Consult the appropriate guide for student requirements.
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Gather your documents in order of the checklist and check √ each item.
请按列表中的顺序核对文件是否齐全,勾选 已完成的文件。
I have enclosed the following items: 我已经附上下列文件:
FORMS LIST: The following forms must be completed, signed and dated. 申请表:下列申请表必须填写并签字、签署日期
- Application to Change Conditions, Extend my stay or Remain in Canada as a Worker (IMM 5710) - 劳工申请变更条件、延期逗留或继续逗留的申请表 (IMM 5710)
- Note: If this application form is completed on a computer it must be validated to generate a barcode page. Print and place the barcode page (page 5 of 5) on the top of your application (or if applying as a group, each individual application package). - 注意:如果在电脑上填写申请表,必须在最后点击确认按钮以便生成条形码。打印并把条形码页(第 5 页)放在申请材料的最上面。(如果集体申请,将各自条形码页单独放在各自申请材料最上面)
- Use of a Representative (IMM 5476) 代理人信息表 (IMM 5476)
- Note: Complete this form only if you are using the services of an authorized representative, or if you are appointing or cancelling a representative. - 注意:仅在使用经授权的代理人、或如果指定/取消指定代理人的情况下使用此表。
- Authority to Release Personal Information to a Designated Individual (IMM 5475) - 向指定个人披露个人信息授权表 (IMM 5475)
- Note: Complete this form only if you authorize Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) to release information from your case file to someone other than yourself. - 注意:仅在你授权 IRCC 和 CBSA 可以从你申请材料中披露个人信息给其他人时才填写此表。
- Statutory Declaration of Common-law Union (IMM 5409), if applicable - 同居伴侣共同法定声明表 (IMM 5409),如果适用
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- Proof of Payment 付款证明
- Note: If you are applying for an open work permit, provide proof of payment for the Open Work Permit Holder Fee. - 注意:如果你正在申请开放式工签,请提供申请开放式工签持有者费的付款证明
- PHOTOCOPIES of passport pages clearly showing each of the following: - 护照页面的复印件,能清楚显示下列每项:
- the passport number, 护照编号
- the dates of issue and expiry, - 签发日期和失效日期
- your name and date of birth, - 姓名以及出生日期
- the stamp made by the Canadian authorities on your most recent entry into Canada; and - 有最近入境加拿大时加拿大职权部门的盖章,以及
- any other marked page. - 其他任何被标记过的页面。
- PHOTOCOPIES of your travel or identity document (citizenship certificates, birth certificate, alien registration cards, etc.) if you did not use a passport to enter Canada - 如果你不使用护照入境加拿大,请提供旅行文件或身份证明(公民证明、出生证明、外国人登记卡,等)复印件。
- PHOTOCOPY of your current immigration document (if you have one) - 当前移民文件的复印件(如果有的话)
- PHOTOCOPY of your Marriage License or Certificate (if applicable) - 结婚证复印件(如果适用)
- If you are the dependant of another applicant, provide the Unique Client Identifier (UCI) of your family member who is the primary applicant - 如果你是另一位申请人的需要抚养的子女,请提供家庭成员中主申请人的 UCI。
- If your employer obtained a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) form Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), provide a copy of the LMIA and a copy of your job offer letter from your prospective employer - 如果你的雇主从加拿大就业及社会发展部那里获得了 LMIA,请提供 LMIA 副本和将来雇主给你的 job offer letter 副本。
- If your employer is exempt from obtaining an LMIA from ESDC, your employer must provide you with the Offer of Employment number for inclusion in your work permit application form. - 如果你的雇主可以,豁免 ESDC 的 LMIA,你的雇主必须提供给你聘用信编号,此编号填写在工作许可的申请表内。
- If IRCC authorized your employer to submit the Offer of Employment using the IMM 5802 form, provide a copy of the IMM 5802 and proof that your employer paid the Employer Compliance Fee. - 如果你的雇主被授权使用表 IMM 5802 提交聘用信,请提供 IMM 5802 副本以及雇主已缴纳雇主合规费的证明材料
· Note: If your employer is exempt from the Employer Compliance Regime, you must provide a copy of the employment contract.注意:如果雇主通过雇主合规制度豁免,你必须提供聘用合同副本
- If IRCC authorized your employer to submit the Offer of Employment using the IMM 5802 form, provide a copy of the IMM 5802 and proof that your employer paid the Employer Compliance Fee. - 如果你的雇主被授权使用表 IMM 5802 提交聘用信,请提供 IMM 5802 副本以及雇主已缴纳雇主合规费的证明材料
- If you are a live-in caregiver, provide a PHOTOCOPY of your signed employment contract between you and your employer. - 如果你是住家保姆,请提供经过你签字的与雇主双方间的聘用合同复印件
- If working in the province of Quebec, provide a Certificat d'acceptation du Québec (CAQ) issued by the Ministère de l'Immigration, de la Diversité et de l'Inclusion (MIDI) - 如果你在魁北克省工作,请提供由 MIDI 签发的接收函
- If you are a participant in the International Experience Canada (IEC) program, provide proof of health insurance covering the intended extension to your length of stay in Canada. - 如果你是加拿大国际经验项目的参与者,请提供健康保险证明,涵盖在加拿大逗留时期。
Proof of your academic standing: letter from the institutional registrar and/or photocopies of transcripts from your last two periods of study - 学术水平的证明材料:学生注册部门的信函 和/或 最近两个学期的成绩单
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- Letter from the provincial government that confirms the province has nominated you for permanent residence - 从省府那里获得的确认函,证明你已经获得永久居民提名
- If your nomination has expired, a copy of the acknowledgement letter confirming that IRCC received your permanent residence application before the nomination expired - 如果你的提名已经过期,请提供 IRCC 已经在提名过期之前收到你永久居留申请的确认函
- Offer of employment from an employer based in that province (not applicable if applying for a Bridging open work permit) - 雇主提供当地省份的聘用信(如果申请过渡期开放式工签,则不适用)
- Statement from the province that identifies the job and employer (not applicable if applying for a bridging open work permit) and states that: - 所在省的声明材料,以确认你的工作和雇主(如果申请过渡期开放式工签,则不适用),内容包括:
- you are urgently needed by your employer who has offered you a job in that province or territory - 你是提供给你当地省或地区工作的雇主所急需的劳工
- the job offer is genuine and will create economic benefits or opportunities, 真实并且将会创造经济利益或机会
- the employment is not part-time or seasonal, and - 不属于兼职或季节性工作,并且
- the wages and working conditions of the employment would be sufficient to attract and retain Canadian citizens. - 薪水和工作条件足以吸引和留住加拿大公民
Note: If you submitted an application for permanent residence provide proof that your application has been received or approved in principle. - 注意:如果你提交了永久居留申请,请提供原则上已被接受或批准的证明材料
- If you are the spouse or the common law partner of an open work permit holder i.e. post graduate work permit, working holiday work permit, bridging open work permit under federal skilled worker class, federal skilled trades class or caregiver class (caring for children class or caring for people with high medical needs class), please provide: - 如果你你是开放式工签持有者(例如毕业生工签,打工度假工签,联邦技术移民、联邦技工移民或护理员类项目(照看儿童类、或照看高医疗需求人士类)中的过渡期开放式工签)的配偶或同居伴侣,请提供如下材料:
- a letter from the primary foreign worker's current employer confirming employment or a copy of their employment offer or contract - 作为主申请人的外籍劳工(principal foreign worker)当前雇主的就业确认函或聘用信副本、合同副本;
- a copy of the primary foreign worker's last three pay stubs; and - 作为主申请人的外籍劳工(principal foreign worker)最近三次的工资单;以及
- a copy of the primary foreign worker's open work permit - 作为主申请人的外籍劳工(principal foreign worker)的开放式工签副本。
- If you are the spouse or the common law partner of an open work permit holder i.e. post graduate work permit, working holiday work permit, bridging open work permit under federal skilled worker class, federal skilled trades class or caregiver class (caring for children class or caring for people with high medical needs class), please provide: - 如果你你是开放式工签持有者(例如,毕业生工签,打工度假工签,联邦技术移民、联邦技工移民或护理员类项目(照看儿童类、或照看高医疗需求人士类)中的过渡期开放式工签)的配偶或同居伴侣,请提供如下材料:
- a letter or a copy of the offer of employment or contract from the primary foreign worker's current employer confirming employment in an occupation under the National Occupational Classification (NOC) skill type 0, A or B, for federal skilled trades class NOC B; - 作为主申请人的外籍劳工(principal foreign worker)当前雇主的就业确认函或聘用信副本,表明职技能类型在国家职业分类中属于 0、A或B,或者属于联邦技工移民的 B类。
- a copy of the primary foreign worker's last three pay stubs; and - 作为主申请人的外籍劳工(principal foreign worker)最近三次的工资单副本;以及
- a copy of the primary foreign worker's open work permit - 作为主申请人的外籍劳工(principal foreign worker)的开放式工签副本。
- If you are a spouse or common law partner of an open work permit holder i.e. Canadian experience class or provincial nominee class (irrespective of the NOC skill type of the principal applicant's occupation), please provide: - 如果你是开放式工签持有者(例如,加拿大经验类或省提名类(无论主申请人职业在 NOC 中的技能类型))的配偶或同居伴侣,请提供
- a copy of the primary foreign worker's open work permit - 作为主申请人的外籍劳工(principal foreign worker)的开放式工签副本。
- If you are the spouse or common law partner of a skilled worker who holds a work permit or is authorized to work without a work permit under R186, please provide - 根据 R186,如果你是持有工签或授权不需要工签就可在加拿大工作的技术劳工的配偶或同居伴侣,请提供
- A letter or a copy of the offer of employment or contract from the primary foreign worker’s current employer confirming employment in an occupation under the National Occupational Classification (NOC) skill type 0, A or B - 作为主申请人的外籍劳工(principal foreign worker)当前雇主的就业确认函或聘用信副本,表明职技能类型在国家职业分类中属于 0、A或B。
- copy of the primary foreign worker’s work permit - 作为主申请人的外籍劳工的工签副本。
- Evidence that the primary foreign worker physically resides or plans to reside in Canada while working - 作为主申请人的外籍劳工工作时居住或打算居住在加拿大境内的证明
If you are the spouse or common law partner of a student who holds a study permit, please provide: - 如果你是持有学签的全日制学生的配偶或同居伴侣,请提供:
- Evidence such as a valid enrollment letter showing the student is engaged in full-time studies at a Canadian: - 诸如有效的录取通知书的证明,显示学生在加拿大如下教育机构进行全日制学习:
- Public post-secondary institution (i.e. university, college, CEGEP, trade or technical school) - 公立专上院校(例如,大学、学院、普通职业技术学院(魁北克省)、职业或技术学校)
- Private post-secondary institution that operates under the same rules and regulations as a public post-secondary institution in Quebec - 魁北克省私立专上院校(与公立专上机构规则和条例相同)
- Private or public secondary or post-secondary institution (in Quebec) offering a vocational program - 提供职业课程的私立或公立中学或专上院校(魁北克省)
- Private institution authorized by provincial statute to confer degrees - 通过省法规授权可以颁发学位的私立院校
- A copy of the student’s study permit - 学生的学签副本
- Proof that you cannot support yourself without recourse to social assistance (welfare) - 没有社会救助(福利)资源无法维持自己生活的证明材料
- If you are currently receiving social assistance, attach a letter from the provincial social services department indicating you are receiving money or attach a cheque stub if it indicates clearly that it was issued by the provincial social services department. - 如果你目前正在接受社会救助,附上省社会服务部门给你的信函,该信函能表明你正在接受资金,或者附上能清楚表明是省社会服务部门给你的支票存根
AND - 以及
- Proof that your refugee claim was referred to the Immigration and Refugee board (IRB) - 你的难民申请已被提交给移民及难民委员会审核的证明
- Either of the following is considered acceptable evidence: - 下列两项可接受的证明材料任何一个皆可:本文禁止全文转载。任何形式转载请联系作者(时光在路上 www.timezls.com) Copyright © 2025. All Rights Reserved
- A PHOTOCOPY of your Refugee Protection Claimant Document, or 难民庇护申请人文件的复印件
- A PHOTOCOPY of your Notice to Appear at the IRB or Confirmation of Referral document. - 移民及难民委员会的出庭通知复印件 或 推荐确认文件
- Note: If you are a national of a Designated Country of Origin, you are not eligible for a work permit until 180 days have passed since your refugee claim was referred to the IRB. (You will also become eligible if the IRB approves your refugee claim.) - 注意:如果你是指定来源地国家的国民,从你的难民申请被提交给移民及难民委员会审核后 180 天内,你不适合申请工作许可。(如果你 IRB 批准了你的难民申请,可以申请工作许可)
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- Proof that you cannot support yourself without recourse to social assistance (welfare) - 没有社会救助(福利)资源无法维持自己生活的证明材料
- If you are currently receiving social assistance, attach a letter from the provincial social services department indicating you are receiving money or attach a cheque stub if it indicates clearly that it was issued by the provincial social services department. - 如果你目前正在接受社会救助,附上省社会服务部门给你的信函,该信函能表明你正在接受资金,或者附上能清楚表明是省社会服务部门给你的支票存根
- Proof that you have filed an application with the Federal Court of Canada for leave and for Judicial Review of the IRB decision with respect to your refugee claim - 你已经向加拿大联邦法院递交 IRB 对你难民申请裁决的司法复核的证明
- Proof that you are appealing the rejection of your refugee claim at the Refugee Appeal Division of the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) - 对于难民申请被拒,你正在移民及难民委员会的难民上诉部处进行上诉的证明
- Proof that at least 12 months (or 36 months, if you are a national of a Designated Country of Origin) have passed since the IRB rejected your refugee claim. A copy of your IRB Notice of Decision is acceptable proof that the required amount of time has passed - 自从难民申请被 IRB 拒绝至少已经超过 12 个月(或 36 个月,如果你是指定来源地国家的国民)的证明。可以接受以 IRB 的裁决通知作为已超过规定时限的证明。
- Proof that you are unable to leave Canada because you are not able to obtain a travel document. - 由于不能取得旅行文件而不能离开加拿大的证明。 Examples of acceptable proof: - 可接受的证明材料举例:
- A notification you received informing you that your application for a passport has been rejected; - 护照申请被拒绝的通知;
- Confirmation from the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) that their efforts to obtain a travel document for you have been unsuccessful - 加拿大边境服务局尽力为你获取旅行文件而没有成功的确认文件。
Proof that you are experiencing abuse or are at risk of abuse in the context of your employment in Canada. - 你在加拿大工作期间遭受虐待或有遭受虐待的风险的证明材料
Examples of evidence of abuse or risk of abuse may include, but are not limited to, the following: - 受虐待或存在受虐待风险的证据样例,包括但不限于下列情况:
- a description of the abuse or risk of abuse faced by the migrant worker - 移民劳工受虐待或存在受虐待风险的描述
- a letter, statement or report from an abuse support organization, medical doctor/healthcare professional or other such entity. - 反虐待支持组织、医生/健保专业人员 或其他类似实体的信函、声明或报告
- a sworn statement (affidavit) by the applicant - 申请人宣誓声明(宣誓书)
- a copy of an official complaint form filed with an enforcement agency - 向执法机构提交的正式投诉表的副本
- For example, a police or a Canada Border Services Agency report, copy of an official complaint completed by the migrant worker and submitted to a provincial enforcement agency such as an Employment Standards Branch. - 例如,警方或边境服务局的报告,移民劳工填写的正式投诉副本、并提交给省级执法机构(例如就业标准局)
- supporting or additional material, such as victim impact statements, hard copies of email messages, photos showing injuries or working conditions, witness testimonies - 支持或附加材料,例如受害者影响陈述、电子邮件的硬拷贝、显示受伤或工作条件的照片、目击者证词。
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