表格版本:IMM 5558 (08-2018) E
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This document checklist is one of the forms that you need to submit with your application. Consult the Instruction Guide (IMM 5551) to find out if you are required to provide some or all forms and documents listed in this checklist. If any of the required documents are missing, your application could be returned or refused. Do not submit original documents unless instructed to do so. Original documents will not be returned.
此文件核对表为需要提交的申请材料之一。参考申请指南(IMM 5551),检查是否需要提交列表中一部分或者所有表格和文件。如果所要求提交的任何文件缺失,你的申请材料将会被退回或者被拒。不要提交文件原件,除非要求这么做。文件原件将不会被退回。
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All documents in a language other than English or French must be translated. Provide both a photocopy of the document and the translation in English or French.
Important: If you are also applying for study or work permits, you must include the fees and documents required to assess your application for these permits. Consult the appropriate guide for student or worker requirements.
Gather your documents in order of the checklist and check √ each item.
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I have enclosed the following items: 我已经附上下列文件:
FORMS LIST: The following forms must be completed, signed and dated. 申请表:下列申请表必须填写并签字、签署日期
- Application to Change Conditions, Extend my stay or Remain in Canada as a Visitor or Temporary Resident Permit Holder (IMM 5708) 以访客或临时居民许可持有者身份变更条件、延期逗留或继续逗留申请表 (IMM 5708)
- Note: If this application form is completed on a computer it must be validated to generate a barcode page. Print and place the barcode page (page 5 of 5) on the top of your application (or if applying as a group, each individual application package). 注意:如果在电脑上填写申请表,必须在最后点击确认按钮以便生成条形码。打印并把条形码页(第 5 页)放在申请材料的最上面。(如果集体申请,将各自条形码页单独放在各自申请材料最上面)
- Use of a Representative (IMM 5476) 代理人信息表 (IMM 5476)
- Note: Complete this form only if you are using the services of an authorized representative, or if you are appointing or cancelling a representative. 注意:仅在使用经授权的代理人、或如果指定/取消指定代理人的情况下使用此表。
- Authority to Release Personal Information to a Designated Individual (IMM 5475) 向指定个人披露个人信息授权表 (IMM 5475)
- Note: Complete this form only if you authorize Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) to release information from your case file to someone other than yourself. 注意:仅在你授权 IRCC 和 CBSA 可以从你申请材料中披露个人信息给其他人时才填写此表。
- Statutory Declaration of Common-law Union (IMM 5409), if applicable 同居伴侣共同法定声明表 (IMM 5409),如果适用
- Proof of Payment 付款证明
- PHOTOCOPIES of passport pages clearly showing each of the following: 护照页面的复印件,能清楚显示
- the passport number; 护照编号
- the dates of issue and expiry; 签发日期和失效日期
- your name and date of birth; 你的姓名以及出生日期
- the stamp made by the Canadian authorities on your most recent entry into Canada; and 有最近入境加拿大时加拿大职权部门的盖章;以及
- any other marked pages. 要包含其他任何被标记过的页面
- PHOTOCOPIES of your travel or identity document (citizenship certificates, birth certificate, alien registration cards, etc.) if you did not use a passport to enter Canada 如果你不使用护照入境加拿大,请提供旅行文件或身份证明(公民证明、出生证明、外国人登记卡,等)复印件。
- PHOTOCOPY of your current immigration document (if you have one) 当前移民文件的复印件(如果有的话)
- PHOTOCOPY of your Marriage License or Certificate (if applicable) 结婚证复印件(如果适用)
- Proof of means of support 资金证明
Visitor extension:
Case Processing Centre Edmonton
Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada
c/o Visitor and Temporary Resident Permits Station 303
Suite 55 9700 Jasper Avenue NW
Edmonton AB
T5J 4C3
时光在路上 最后编辑于:2021年10月2日
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