
词汇定义:adequate knowledge of language

glossary and definitions公民身份Labour Market Impact Assessment指定医生收养work permit等待期身份有效的工作offer快速通道临时居民签证多次往返入境签证特定雇主工作许可physical presence requirementvalid job offer宣誓书工作许可开放式工签工作签证National Occupational Classificationcertified translatordependantin good standing入籍仪式边境服务官工签

IRCC 网站 上对 “adequate knowledge of language” 的解释如下:

In order to become a Canadian citizen, the Citizenship Act requires new citizens to have an "adequate knowledge" of English or French, Canada’s two official languages. In general, "adequate knowledge" means you can understand someone speaking English or French and they can understand you. (Read a more detailed explanation of "adequate knowledge.") We measure how well you can communicate using the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB)/Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadien (NCLC).



欲成为加拿大公民,《公民法》要求新公民对英语或法语,即加拿大的两大官方语言,有充分地掌握。一般来说,"adequate knowledge" 表示你可以理解讲英语或法语人士的表达,别人也能理解你的。(可以阅读链接中关于此部分的详细解释。)官方通过加拿大英语等级考试或法语等级考试来衡量你的语言沟通能力。


IRCC 网站给出这些词汇定义的目的是帮助大家理解,这些定义并不是也不能作为法律方面的定义。

时光在路上 最后编辑于:2021年6月7日

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