表格版本:IMM 5771 (10-2023) E
填表指南,请参考 Guide 5772

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As you work through the steps, check √ for each applicable item. - 当完成以下步骤时,在每个适用项上打勾。
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- Unless the representative, sponsor or applicant(s) require accommodations, including for a disability, all applications are required to be submitted online through the Permanent Residence Portal (https://prson-srpel.apps.cic.gc.ca/en/login) or the Representative Permanent Residence Portal (https://prson-srpel.apps.cic.gc.ca/en/rep/login). - 除非代理人、担保人或申请人要求调整,包括由于残障原因,否则所有申请都必须通过永久居留门户页面(https://prson-srpel.apps.cic.gc.ca/en/login)或永久居留代理人门户网页(https://prson-srpel.apps.cic.gc.ca/en/rep/login)在线提交。
- To ensure the application is complete and accepted for processing, follow all steps in Guide 5772 – Application to Sponsor Parents and Grandparents: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/application/application-forms-guides/guide-5772-application-sponsor-parents-grandparents.html - 为确保申请完整并可接受处理,请遵循Guide 5772 指南中的所有步骤。
- Upload this Document Checklist and all other required forms and documents to your online application. - 将此文件清单和所有其他必需的表格和文件上传到你的在线申请中。
- When asked to upload documents and forms to the online application, only PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, DOC, and DOCX formats are accepted. Uploaded documents and forms cannot exceed 4 megabytes. - 当要求将文件和表格在线申请上传时,只接受PDF、JPG、JPEG、PNG、DOC和DOCX格式文件。上传的文件和表单不能超过 4M 字节大小。
- If any of the documents submitted are not in English or French, include a notarized (certified) translation with a copy of the original document. - 如果提交的任何文件不是英文或法文版本,请附上经公证(核证)的翻译件和原始文件的副本。
- In general, if the sponsored parents (or grandparents) are separated and not divorced, one application should be submitted for both parents since they are still married. For more information on separated spouses, refer to Guide 5772. - 一般来说,如果被担保的父母(或祖父母)分居且未离婚,则应为父母两人提交一份申请,因为他们仍然已婚。有关分居配偶的更多信息,请参阅Guide 5772指南。
- The information in the sponsorship application must match the information the sponsor included on their Interest to Sponsor form submitted in 2020. If their information has changed since the Interest to Sponsor form was submitted (such as, family name, address, etc.), provide updated information and include a letter of explanation along with proof of the change(s). - 担保申请中的信息必须与担保人在2020年提交的担保意向表中包含的信息相匹配。如果自提交担保意向表以来,他们的信息发生了变化(如姓氏、地址等),请提供最新信息,并附上解释信和变更证明。
- For the section “Forms – Principal Applicant” in this checklist, the principal applicant is responsible for completing the forms on behalf of their dependants who are 18 years of age and older. - 对于本列表中的“Forms – Principal Applicant”部分,主申请人负责代表其18岁及以上的受抚养人填写表格。
- Before submitting the application in the Portal, the principal applicant will be required to sign an electronic declaration stating that everything that has been submitted is true, accurate and complete. - 在门户页面提交申请之前,主申请人将被要求签署一份电子声明,以声明所提交的一切都是真实、准确和完整的。
If you do not follow these instructions, your application may be returned to you as incomplete.
IMPORTANT: If you cannot provide one or more document(s) required by this checklist, you must upload a written explanation for each missing document. Submit any additional information under the section “Additional Supporting Documents” selecting the Document name as “Letter of explanation” in your online application.
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重要提醒:如果你无法提供本核对表所要求提交的一份或多份文件,则必须上传每一份缺失文件的书面解释。在你的在线申请中“Additional Supporting Documents”部分下提交任何其他信息,文件名称为“Letter of explanation”。
You may be asked to provide an original form with the original handwritten signature(s) if an IRCC officer determines it is necessary
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Forms - Sponsor - 担保人用表
1. 2023 Document Checklist for Parents and Grandparents (IMM 5771)
2023年父母和祖父母担保移民的文件核对表(IMM 5771)
2. Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM 1344)
担保人、担保协议和担保承诺书申请表(IMM 1344)
To be completed, signed and dated electronically by you (the sponsor), your co-signer (if applicable), and the person you are sponsoring (principal applicant).
Note: You should keep a copy of this document for your records. This agreement lists the obligations and responsibilities that fall unto the sponsor, co-signer (if applicable) and the persons being sponsored.
3.> Financial Evaluation for Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship (IMM 5768)
父母和祖父母担保财务评估表 (IMM 5768)
To be completed by you and your co-signer, if applicable. Residents of Quebec do not need to complete this form.
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If you answered "No" to question 8 or if your co-signer answered "No" to question 16, you must complete the Income Sources for the Sponsorship of Parents and Grandparents (IMM 5748) form.
如果你对question 8的回答为“No”,或者你的共同签署人对question 16的回答为”No“,你必须填写父母和祖父母担保的收入来源表格(IMM 5748)。
4. Statutory Declaration of Common-law Union (IMM 5409)
同居法定声明表(IMM 5409)
To be completed, signed by hand and dated by the sponsor, co-signer and the administrator of the declaration, only if in a common-law partnership.
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Forms - Principal Applicant - 主申请人用表
1. Generic Application Form for Canada (IMM 0008)
加拿大通用申请表(IMM 0008)
To be completed online by the principal applicant. The principal applicant’s dependent spouse or common-law partner and dependent children (whether accompanying or not) must be declared on this form unless they are already a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
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2. Additional Family Information (IMM 5406)
额外家庭信息表 (IMM 5406)
The principal applicant must complete this form online for themselves and on behalf of all their dependants who are 18 years of age and older (whether accompanying or not) who are not already Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
主申请人必须为自己,并代表所有年满 18 岁且尚未成为加拿大公民或永久居民的受抚养人(无论是否陪伴)在线填写此表。
3. Schedule A - Background/Declaration (IMM 5669)
附表 A - 背景/声明 (IMM 5669)
The principal applicant must complete this form online for themselves and on behalf of all their dependants who are 18 years of age and older (whether accompanying or not) and are not already Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
主申请人必须为自己,并代表所有年满 18 岁(无论是否陪同)且尚未成为加拿大公民或永久居民的受抚养人在线填写此表格。
IMPORTANT: For this form to be accepted, it must be complete (including no gaps in time for education and personal history in sections C and D).
重要提示:表格必须完整才能被接受(包括 C 部分和 D 部分教育和个人历史,不要有时间上的间断)。
Note: For section D, if the principal applicant or a dependant has not worked in the past 10 years (e.g. they are retired), they must provide details of their personal history since the age of 18.
4. Supplementary Information – Your Travels (IMM 5662)
补充信息 – 你的旅行表(IMM 5662)
The principal applicant must complete this form online for themselves and on behalf of all their dependants who are 18 years of age and older (whether accompanying or not) who are not already Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
主申请人必须为自己,并代表所有年满 18 岁且尚未成为加拿大公民或永久居民的受抚养人(无论是否陪同)在线填写此表格。
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5. Use of Representative (IMM 5476)
代理人信息表 (IMM 5476)
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To be completed, signed and dated electronically by the sponsor/principal applicant and their representative, if applicable. If the sponsor and principal applicant are both using a representative, the sponsor and principal applicant must submit separate forms.
Supporting Documents - Part A - 支持文件:A部分
1. Parents and Grandparents 2023 Invitation to Apply Letter
父母和祖父母担保移民 2023 年申请邀请函
2. Upload either your: - 上传以下任一文件:
- Permanent Resident Card (both sides) or, if you were not issued a Permanent Resident Card, your Record of Landing (IMM 1000) or your Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292 or IMM 5688), or
永久居民卡(正反两面),或者,如果你没有获得永久居民卡,请提供你的登陆记录(IMM 1000)或永久居留确认书(IMM 5292或IMM 5688),或 - Canadian Citizenship Certificate or card (both sides), or
加拿大公民证书或卡(正反两面),或 - Canadian birth certificate, or If you were born in Quebec, we will only accept a birth certificate from the Directeur de l'état civil.
加拿大出生证明,或者,如果你出生在魁北克,则只接受民事总监签发的出生证明。 - Canadian passport (pages showing passport number, date of issue and expiration, photo, name, surname, place and date of birth of holder), or
加拿大护照(显示护照号、签发和到期日期、照片、姓名、持有人出生地和出生日期的页面),或 - Secure certificate of Indian status.
IMPORTANT: A copy of the exact status in Canada document you submitted with your 2020 Interest to Sponsor form must be included with your application to sponsor your parents and grandparents.
重要提示:你在 2020 年担保人意向表中提交的加拿大确切身份文件的副本必须包含在你的担保父母和祖父母的申请中。
3. Upload your marriage certificate, if you have a co-signer and they are your spouse.
If you were married in the province of Quebec, only a marriage certificate issued by the Directeur de l'état civil is acceptable.
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4. If your spouse or common-law partner is a co-signer, upload either their:
- Permanent Resident Card (both sides) or, if they were not issued a Permanent Resident Card, their Record of Landing (IMM 1000) or their Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292 or IMM 5688) or
- 永久居民卡(正反两面),或者,如果他们没有获得永久居民卡,他们的登陆记录(IMM 1000)或永久居留确认书(IMM 5292或IMM 5688),或者 - Canadian Citizenship Certificate or card (both sides), or
- 加拿大公民证书或卡(正反两面),或 - Canadian birth certificate, or If they were born in the province of Quebec, only a birth certificate issued by the Directeur de l'état civil is acceptable.
- 加拿大出生证明,或如果他们出生在魁北克省,则只能接受由民事总监签发的出生证明。 - Canadian passport (pages showing passport number, date of issue and expiration, photo, name, surname, place and date of birth of holder), or
- 加拿大护照(显示护照号码、签发和到期日期、照片、姓名、持有人出生地和出生日期的页面),或 - Secure certificate of Indian status.
5. Proof of sponsor’s relationship to principal applicant:
- Upload the sponsor's birth certificate If you were born in the province of Quebec, only a birth certificate issued by the Directeur de l'état civil is acceptable.
- 上传担保人的出生证明 如果你出生在魁北克省,则只能接受由民事总监签发的出生证明。
Note: If you are sponsoring your grandparents, you must also include the following:
- Upload your mother/father/parent's birth certificate.
1. Upload the travel document or passport for the principal applicant and each accompanying dependant.
2. Proof of principal applicant's relationship to spouse or common-law partner:
- Upload the marriage certificate, OR - 上传结婚证,或
- Statutory Declaration of Common-law Union (IMM 5409) To be completed by the principal applicant, their common-law partner and the administrator of the declaration. This document must be signed by hand and uploaded to your online application.
- 同居法定声明表(IMM 5409) 由主申请人、其同居伴侣和声明管理人填写。该文件必须手写签名并上传到你的在线申请中。
Note: If the principal applicant or dependent spouse/common-law partner has previously been married or in a common-law union, please include the following:
- 注意:如果主申请人或受抚养配偶/同居伴侣以前已婚或同居,请提供以下内容:
a) given name(s) and family name(s) of all previous spouses and/or common-law partners;
b) the time period for which they were together;
c) proof of dissolution for all previous marriages and/or common-law unions. Proof of dissolution could include: divorce certificate(s), death certificate(s) or a Statutory Declaration of Severance of Common-Law Union (IMM 5519).
所有先前婚姻和/或同居婚姻的解除证明。解除婚姻关系的证明可以包括:离婚证明、死亡证明或同居婚姻分割法定声明表(IMM 5519)。
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3. Proof of principal applicant's relationship to dependent children:
- Upload a birth certificate for each dependent child. - 为每个受抚养子女上传出生证明。
4. Curriculum Vitae (CV)/Resume: - 简历
- The principal applicant and all dependants who are 18 years of age and older must provide a CV/Resume. Please ensure all CVs/Resumes include information since the age of 18 and details of the employment and volunteer positions held.
- 主申请人和所有年满 18 岁的受抚养人必须提供简历。请确保所有简历都包含自 18 岁以来的信息以及所担任的就业和志愿者职位的详细信息。
5. Details of government employment:
- If the principal applicant or dependant declared holding government positions in section F on the Schedule A - Background/Declaration (IMM 5669), please complete the Details of Government Employment (IMM 0149): https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/ircc/documents/pdf/english/kits/forms/imm0149e.pdf.
- 如主申请人或受养人于附表A-背景/声明书表(IMM 5669)F 部分申报担任政府职位,请填写政府就业详情表(IMM 0149)。
6. Details of police service:
- If the principal applicant or dependant declared police service in section F on the Schedule A - Background/Declaration (IMM 5669), please complete the Details of Police Service (IMM 0150): https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/ircc/documents/pdf/english/kits/forms/imm0150e.pdf.
- 如主申请人或受养人于附表A-背景/声明书(IMM 5669)F 部分申报警务服务,请填妥警务详情表(IMM 0150)。
7. Details of military experience:
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- If the principal applicant or dependant declared military and/or paramilitary service in section G on the Schedule A - Background/Declaration (IMM 5669), please complete the Details of Military Experience (IMM 5546): https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/ircc/migration/ircc/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm5546e.pdf.
- 如果主申请人或受抚养人在附表A-背景/声明表(IMM 5669)的 G 部分中申报服兵役和/或准军事服务,请填写军事经历详情表(IMM 5546)。
8. Upload one (1) recent photo of the principal applicant and each accompanying dependant. Follow the instructions in the photograph specifications: https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/ircc/migration/ircc/english/information/applications/guides/pdf/5445eb-e.pdf
9. Processing Fees
Upload the fee payment receipt showing the amount paid.
Note: Attach a single receipt with the sponsorship fee, the application fee, and the biometric fee. To avoid delays in the processing of your application, please ensure you pay your biometric fees when submitting your application fees.
Supporting Documents - Part B - 支持文件:B部分
1. If you answered "No" to question 8 or if your co-signer answered "No" to question 16 on the Financial Evaluation for Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship (IMM 5768), you must upload:
在父母和祖父母担保的财务评估表(IMM 5768)上,如果你对question 8的回答是“No”,或者你的共同签署人对question 16的回答是“No”,必须上传:
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Proof of income or Notice of Assessment (NOA) issued by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for each of the three most recent taxation years immediately preceding the date of your application. For the 2023 intake of applications, you must provide your NOAs for tax years 2020, 2021 and 2022. If you do not have paper copies of your NOAs on file, you can view (and print) your tax returns as well as other personal tax information using the CRA's My Account online service. To register or login, visit: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/e-services/e-services-individuals/account-individuals.html?wbdisable=true
申请日期前三个最近纳税年度中每年的加拿大税务局 (CRA) 收入证明或评估通知 (NOA)。对于 2023 年的申请,你必须提供 2020 年、2021 年和 2022 年纳税年度的 NOA。如果你没有NOA的纸质副本,则可以使用CRA的“我的帐户”在线服务查看(和打印)你的纳税申报表以及其他个人税务信息。如需注册或登录,青访问上述英文中提供的网址。
IMPORTANT: Police Certificates
Do not include a police certificate at this time. The processing office will request police certificates from the principal applicant and each dependent 18 years or older (who are not already Canadian citizens or permanent residents) later in the application process.
目前不要附上无犯罪记录证明。在申请过程的后期,处理办公室将要求主申请人和每个 18 岁或以上的受抚养人(还不是加拿大公民或永久居民)提供无犯罪记录证明。
IMPORTANT: Medical Examination
Do not complete a medical examination at this time. You will be issued medical instructions at an appropriate point in processing.
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