申请表版本:IMM 1344 (09-2022) E
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- 担保人,
- 共同签署者(共同担保人),如果适用,
- 主申请人。
更详细填表说明,请参考申请指南 Guide 5772(加拿大公民或永久居民 担保自己的父母或祖父母)。
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—— 第 1 页 ——
In accordance with the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, IRCC may use electronic means such as computer analytics and automation to support the processing of applications and decision making, including on your application. The personal information collected on an application and on supporting documents may also be used to support electronic processing, such as for research, statistics, program and policy evaluation, internal audit, compliance, risk management, developing computer analytics, strategy development and reporting. To learn more about how IRCC uses electronic systems, please visit IRCC’s Transparency webpage: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/transparency/digital-transparency-advanced-data-analytics.html
根据《移民和难民保护法》,IRCC 可以使用计算机分析和自动化等电子手段来支持申请处理和决策,包括你的申请。申请和支持文件中收集的个人信息也可用于支持电子处理,例如用于研究、统计、计划和政策评估、内部审计、合规性、风险管理、开发计算机分析、战略制定和报告。要了解 IRCC 如何使用电子系统的更多信息,请访问 IRCC 的透明度网页:https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/transparency/digital-transparency-advanced-data-analytics.html
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问题1: If you are found ineligible to sponsor, indicate whether you want to: 如果你被发现无资格担保,请选择:
- *Withdraw your sponsorship application. All processing fees less $75 will be refunded - 撤回担保申请。所有费用将会退回($75 担保费除外)。
- *Proceed with the application for permanent residence. Processing fees will be retained. - 继续处理永久居留申请(担保申请将会被拒)。处理费用将不退还。(博主注:勾选此处可以帮助你的家庭成员或最近的亲属申请基于基于人道主义和同情原因的永久居留。)
问题2: Language preference for correspondence 选择与官方沟通所用的语言
- English 英语
- French 法语
问题3: Is there a co-signer on this application? (co-signer must be the spouse or common-law partner of the sponsor) - 是否有共同签署人(共同担保人)?(共同签署人必须是担保人的配偶或同居伴侣)(如果你担保自己的配偶或同居伴侣,你没有共同签署人)
- Yes 是
- No 否
问题4: Person you are sponsoring (principal applicant) - 被担保人(主申请人)
- *Family Name(s) (exactly as shown on passport or travel document) - 姓氏(护照或旅行文件上所标示)
- Given Name(s) (exactly as shown on passport or travel document) 名(护照或旅行文件上所标示)
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问题5: Date of birth 主申请人的出生日期(如果出生日期未知,可以用星号代替,如果适用)
- YYYY *MM DD (年-月-日)
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- *a) The principal applicant is your (主申请人是你的)
- Adoptive Child 养子女
- Common-law partner living in Canada 在加拿大境内居住的同居伴侣
- Conjugal partner outside Canada 加拿大境外婚姻伴侣
- Child 子女
- Parent 父母
- Adoptive parent 养父母
- Guardian 监护人
- Agent 代理
- Common-law partner living outside Canada 在加拿大境外居住的同居伴侣
- Grandparent 祖父母
- Orphaned Sibling/Nephew/Niece/Grandchild 孤儿兄弟姐妹/侄子(外甥)/侄女(外甥女)/孙子女
- Other Relative 其他亲属
- Spouse living in Canada 在加拿大境内居住的配偶
- Spouse living in Canada - Applying under Family Class 在加拿大境内居住的配偶-通过家庭类项目申请
- Spouse living outside Canada 在加拿大境内居住的配偶
- b) Other 其他(如果你选择此项,写出详细内容,例如 叔/舅、姑/姨 等)
- c) (If you are in a conjugal relationship) Provide the date on which you entered into the relationship. 如果属于婚姻伴侣,需写出处于婚姻状态的具体开始时间
- Date: YYYY-MM-DD 日期:年-月-日
问题1: Full Name 全名
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- * Family Name(s) (exactly as shown on your passport or travel document) - 姓氏(护照或旅行文件上所标示,即使拼错。如果你护照或旅行文件上没有姓氏,则此处写出全部名字。在名字一栏留空。)
- Given Name(s) (exactly as shown on your passport or travel document) - 名字(护照或旅行文件上所标示,即使拼错。如果你护照或旅行文件上没有名字,此栏留空。)
问题2: Have you ever used any other name (e.g. Nickname, maiden name, alias, etc.)? - 是否使用过其他名字?(例如这些姓名可能包括你出生时的姓名、婚前姓名、婚后姓名、昵称,等。)
- Yes 是
- No 否
- Family Name(s) 姓氏
- Given Name(s) 名字
问题3: *Sex 性别
- F - Female(女)
- M - Male(男)
- U - Unknown(未知)
- X - Another gender(其他性别)
注意:如果你选择性别为 F 或 M,则必须与自己提交申请时的提供的护照或旅行文件上所标注的性别一致。如果选择的性别标识符是 X,则应匹配等效的非男女二元选项(equivalent non-binary option)。(时光在路上(www.timezls.com) 注:关于X 性别的背景资料,请参考如下文章:
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问题4: Date of birth 出生日期(如果出生日期未知,请用星号在相应位置代替)
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- *YYYY *MM *DD 年-月-日
问题5: Place of birth 出生地
- *City/Town 出生城市/乡镇
- *Country 出生国家
问题6: *Status in Canada 在加拿大的身份
- Canadian citizen by birth 在加拿大出生的加拿大公民
- Canadian citizen by descent 通过 父/母 成为加拿大公民
- Naturalized Canadian citizen 归化的加拿大公民(移民以后入籍)
- Permanent resident 永久居民
- Status Indian 印第安人
问题7: If you are a permanent resident or a naturalized Canadian citizen, provide the following information: 如果你是加拿大永久居民或归化的加拿大公民,提供下列信息:
a) Date on which you obtained this status (whichever is more recent). YYYY-MM-DD(取得身份的日期,哪个最近写哪个,年-月-日)
b) UCI/Client ID 唯一客户标识符(即Unique Client Identifier 或客户ID号,详情参考《什么是UCI?》一文)
c) Full name at the time you became a permanent resident Same as your current full name? 你成为永久居民时的全名是否和现在的名字一致?
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- Yes 是
- No 否
- *Family Name(s) 姓氏
- Given Name(s) 名字
*a) Your current marital status 你当前的婚姻状态
- Annulled Marriage 法律上无效的婚姻
- Common-Law 同居伴侣
- Divorced 离异
- Legally Separated 分居(是指已经结婚,但是不再和配偶居住)
- Married 已婚
- Single 未婚
- Unknown 未知
- Widowed 丧偶
b) (If you are married or in a common-law relationship) Provide the date on which you were married or entered into the common-law relationship - 如果你已婚或属于同居伴侣关系,请提供具体结婚日期或同居伴侣关系开始的日期
- YYYY-MM-DD 年-月-日
c) Provide the name of your current spouse/common-law partner - 提供当前配偶/同居伴侣的姓名
- *Family name(s) 姓氏
- Given name(s) 名字
问题9: Have you previously been married or in a common-law relationship? - Yes or No 以前你是否结过婚或有过同居伴侣关系?
回答 Yes:
- Provide the following details for your previous spouse/common-law partner: 提供以前的配偶或同居伴侣的姓名
- Family name(s) 姓氏
- Given name(s) 名字
- Date of birth 出生日期
- *YYYY *MM *DD 年-月-日
- Type of relationship 关系类型
- Common-Law 同居
- Married 已婚
- From - YYYY-MM-DD 开始于 :年-月-日
- To - YYYY-MM-DD 终止与:年-月-日
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—— 第 2 页 ——
问题1: Current mailing address 当前通信地址
- All correspondence will go to this address unless you indicate your e-mail address below: 所有的通信将会以此为准,除非你提供了下面的电子邮件地址:
- Indicating an e-mail address will authorize all correspondence, including file and personal information, to be sent to the e-mail address you specify. 填写电子邮件地址,该地址将会被授权作为所有通信,包括文件和个人信息,的通信地址
- If you wish to authorize the release of information from your application to a representative, indicate their e-mail and mailing address(es) in this section on the IMM5476 form. - 如果你授权可以将申请中的信息发送给代理人,请在代理人信息表IMM5476的此位置填写其电子邮件地址和通信地址。
- P.O. box 邮政信箱号(如果没有,街道号必须填写)
- Apt./Unit 公寓/楼宇的地址,如果适用
- Street no. 街道号
- Street name 街道名称,如果适用
- City/Town 城市/镇
- Country 国家
- Province/ State 省/州
- Postal code 邮政编码
- District 区,如果适用
问题2: Residential address Same as mailing address? - Yes, No.居住地址是否和邮寄地址相同
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- P.O. box 邮政信箱号(如果没有,街道号必须填写)
- Apt./Unit 公寓/楼宇的地址,如果适用
- Street no. 街道号
- Street name 街道名称,如果适用
- City/Town 城市/镇
- Country 国家
- Province/ State 省/州
- Postal code 邮政编码
- District 区,如果适用
问题3: Telephone no. 电话号码
- Canada/US 加拿大/美国
- Other 其他
- Type 类型
- Residence 住宅
- Cellular 手机
- Business 办公
- Country Code No. - Ext. 输入电话号码,包括国家号码、区号等,如果有分机号,在电话号码后边的 Ext. 中填写
问题4: Alternate Telephone no. 如果有备选的加拿大电话号码请勾选
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- Canada/US 加拿大/美国
- Other 其他
- Type 类型
- Residence 住宅
- Cellular 手机
- Business 办公
- Country Code No. - Ext. 输入电话号码,包括国家号码、区号等,如果有分机号,在电话号码后边的 Ext. 中填写
问题5: Fax no. 传真号
- Canada/US 加拿大/美国
- Other 其他
- Country Code No. - Ext. 国家号码,分机号
问题6: E-mail address电子邮件地址
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Are you a Canadian citizen living exclusively outside Canada? See "Who can sponsor" in the Guide for information on residency - Yes, No. - 你是否是居住于加拿大境外的加拿大公民?请在申请指南中关于居留信息部分查看“谁可以担保”
Immediately after my spouse, common-law or conjugal partner and dependent children become permanent residents, I intend to live in - 在我的配偶、同居伴侣或婚姻伴侣以及受抚养子女成为永久居民后,我打算立即前往、和其一起居住的地点
- a Canadian province or territory other than Quebec 加拿大魁北克省以外的省或地区
- the province of Quebec 魁北克省
(博主注:此部分仅在你是加拿大公民,而且仅在加拿大境外居住时,想担保配偶、同居伴侣或婚姻伴侣 以及/或 无自己的子女的受抚养子女的情况下才填写。你必须勾选合适的选项,以确认自己打算在哪里与他们(在他们成为永久居民后)一起生活。
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(博主注:问题 1-18,在合适的地方勾选“Yes” 或“No”
a. 如果你问题1-3中,如果你回答No
- 你无资格成为担保人。你不应该提交申请。
b. 如果你在问题4中回答No,但你是居住在加拿大境外的加拿大公民
- 你可以为配偶、同居伴侣或婚姻伴侣以及无子女的受抚养子女提交担保。
- 你必须到加拿大与被担保人一起生活。如果是这种情况,应该填写“居住声明”部分。.
c. 如果你在问题5-15中,你回答了yes
- 你无资格成为担保人。你不应该提交申请
- 你的情况不适用于担保父母或祖父母
- 请提供详情,包括日期、地点,并且
- 阅读申请指南中的“处理暂停”部分。
Sponsors who reside or intend to reside in Quebec need not complete Questions 8, 9, 10 or 15. - 居住或打算居住于魁北克省的担保人不必填写问题 8、9、10、或15。
If you answer "No" to any questions from 1 to 4, you are not eligible to be a sponsor. You should NOT submit your application. - 1-4中的任何问题,如果你回答 No,你将不适合作为担保人,你不应该提交申请。
问题1: Are you 18 years of age or older? - Yes, No.- 你的年龄是否是18岁及以上?
问题2: Are you a Canadian citizen or permanent resident? - Yes, No. - 你是否是加拿大公民或加拿大永久居民?
问题3: Are you sponsoring a member of the family class or a member of the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class? - Yes, No. - 你是否担保家庭成员或配偶/同居伴侣?
问题4: Do you reside in Canada and in no other country? - Yes, No. - 你是否居住在加拿大境内
If you answered "NO", but are a Canadian citizen living exclusively outside Canada, you may still be eligible to sponsor. - 如果你回答No,但是居住在加拿大境外的加拿大公民,你仍可能有资格担保。
If you answer “Yes” to question 5 and you are sponsoring a spouse, common-law or conjugal partner, you are not eligible to be a sponsor and you should NOT submit your application. - 如果你在问题5中回答yes,而且你担保配偶、同居伴侣/婚姻伴侣,你无资格成为担保人,并且不应该提交申请。
问题5: In the five years preceding this application, did you become a permanent resident after being sponsored as a spouse, common-law or conjugal partner? - Yes, No. - 在此申请之前的最近5年内,你是否是通过 作为配偶、同居伴侣/婚姻伴侣被担保 而成为加拿大永久居民?
If you answer “Yes” to any question from 6 to 15, you may not be eligible to be a sponsor. Please refer to the guide for instructions before completing these questions - 如果问题6-15中有任何一个回答yes,你不可以作为担保人。请参考申请指南来回答这些问题。
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问题6: Have you submitted a previous application in respect of which a final decision has not been made for the person being sponsored and their family members? - Yes No. - 在此申请之前你是否还提交了申请,被担保人和其家庭成员的申请还未获最终裁决?
问题7: Are you in receipt of social assistance for a reason other than disability? - Yes, No. - 你是否由于残障以外的原因接受社会救助?
—— 第 3 页 ——
问题8: Are you an undischarged bankrupt under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act? No - Yes, No. - 根据《破产和无力偿债法》,你是否还没有解除破产?
问题9: Have persons you previously sponsored or their family members received social assistance during the validity period of the undertaking? - Yes, No. - 以前你担保的人士或其家庭成员是否在担保协议有效期内接受社会救助?
问题10: Did you co-sign an undertaking where the sponsored person or his or her family members received social assistance during the validity period of the undertaking? - Yes, No. - 你是否共同签署过担保协议,协议中的被担保人或其家庭成员是否在担保有效期内接受社会救助?
问题11: Have you been ordered to leave Canada? Yes, No. 你是否曾经被命令从加拿大离境?
问题12: Are you late in making a required payment on an immigration loan, a performance bond or any other amounts you agreed to pay under Canadian immigration legislation, and have not made arrangements to defer payments? - 根据移民法律,你是否拖欠移民贷款、履约保函或其他任何你同意支付的款项,没有就延期付款签署协议?
问题13: Are you currently detained in jail, prison, penitentiary or reformatory? - Yes, No. - 你目前是否被羁押在看守所、监狱或教管所?
问题14: Have you been convicted of a sexual offence or serious violent offence against anyone, or an offence causing bodily harm against someone who is or was related to you, or an attempt to commit such an offence? - Yes, No. - 你是否有过针对他人的性犯罪或严重的暴力犯罪?或者有过导致与你有关的其他人身体受伤害的犯罪?或者企图进行这样的犯罪?
问题15: Are you in default of a court order to make support payments to your spouse, former spouse, common-law partner, former common-law partner or child? - Yes, No. - 你是否未履行法院判令,支付生活费给你的配偶、前配偶、同居伴侣或前同居伴侣?
If your answer to questions 16 to 18 is "Yes", see your guide for circumstances under which processing may be suspended. - 如果你问题16-18中你回答了yes,申请处理将会暂停,查看申请指南中相关介绍。
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问题16: Are you the subject of an application to revoke your Canadian citizenship? - Yes, No. - 你是否在申请取消加拿大公民身份?
问题17: Are you the subject of a report on inadmissibility? - Yes, No.- 你是否被认定不允许入境?
问题18: Have you been charged with an offence under an Act of Parliament punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of at least 10 years? - Yes, No.- 根据议会法案(联邦法律),你是否被指控犯有监禁刑期不少于10年的罪行?
If you answered "Yes" to question 13, 16, 17, or 18 please provide details including date and place. - 如你在问题 13、16、17 或 18 中回答了 yes,请提供包括日期和地点的信息信息。
问题1: Full Name 全名
- Family Name(s)(exactly as shown on your passport or travel document) 姓氏(护照或旅行文件上所标示)
- Given Name(s) (exactly as shown on your passport or travel document) 名字(护照或旅行文件上所标示)
问题2: Have you ever used any other name (e.g. Nickname, maiden name, alias, etc.)? - Yes, No. - 是否使用过其他名字?(例如这些姓名可能包括你出生时的姓名、婚前姓名、婚后姓名、昵称,等。)
- *Family Name(s) 姓氏
- Given Name(s) 名字
问题3: Sex 性别
- F - Female(女)
- M - Male(男)
- U - Unknown(未知)
- X - Another gender(其他性别)
注意:如果你选择性别为 F 或 M,则必须与自己提交申请时的提供的护照或旅行文件上所标注的性别一致。如果选择的性别标识符是 X,则应匹配等效的非男女二元选项(equivalent non-binary option)。
(时光在路上(www.timezls.com) 注:关于X 性别的背景资料,请参考如下文章:
问题4: Date of birth - YYYY MM DD 出生日期 年-月-日
问题5: Place of birth 出生地
- City/Town 城市/乡镇
- Country 国家
问题6: Status in Canada 在加拿大的身份
- Canadian citizen by birth 在加拿大出生的加拿大公民
- Canadian citizen by descent 通过 父/母 成为加拿大公民
- Naturalized Canadian citizen 归化的加拿大公民(移民以后入籍)
- Permanent resident 永久居民
- Status Indian 印第安人
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问题7: If you are a permanent resident or a naturalized Canadian citizen, provide the following information- 如果你是永久居民或归化的加拿大公民,请提供下列信息
- a) Date on which you obtained this status (whichever is more recent). 获得该身份的日期(哪个最近写哪个) *Date YYYY-MM-DD 年-月-日
- b) UCI/Client ID 唯一客户标识符(即Unique Client Identifier 或客户ID号,详情参考《什么是UCI?》一文)
- c) Full name at the time you became a permanent resident Same as your current full name? - Yes, No. 你成为永久居民时的全名 是否和现在的名字一致?如果回答No:
- Family Name(s) 姓氏
- Given Name(s) 名字
a) Relationship to the sponsor 与担保人的关系
- Spouse 配偶
- Common-Law Partner 同居伴侣
- Other 其他
b) Other 其他(如果你选择此项,写出详细内容)
c) Current marital status
- Annulled Marriage 法律上无效的婚姻
- Common-Law 同居伴侣
- Divorced 离异
- Legally Separated 分居(是指已经结婚,但是不再和配偶居住)
- Married 已婚
- Single 未婚
- Unknown 未确定
- Widowed 丧偶
d) (If you are married or in a common-law relationship) Provide the date on which you were married or entered into the common-law relationship 如果你已婚或属于同居伴侣关系,请提供具体结婚日期或同居伴侣关系开始的日期
- Date: YYYY-MM-DD 日期:年-月-日
e) Provide the name of your current spouse/common-law partner 提供目前配偶/同居伴侣的姓名
- Family name(s) 姓氏
- Given name(s) 名字
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问题9: Have you previously been married or in a common-law relationship? - Yes, No.以前是否结过婚或有过同居伴侣关系?
Provide the following details for your previous spouse/common-law partner: 如果回答yes,请提供配偶/同居伴侣的下列信息:
- Family name(s) 姓氏
- Given name(s) 名字
- Date of birth: YYYY MM DD 出生日期:年-月-日
- Type of relationship 关系类型: Common-Law 同居伴侣 / Married 已婚
- From: YYYY-MM-DD 起始日期:年-月-日
- To: YYYY-MM-DD 终止日期:年-月-日
问题1: Telephone no. 电话号码
- Canada/US 加拿大/美国
- Other 其他
- Type 类型
- Residence 住宅
- Cellular 手机
- Business 办公
- Country Code No. - Ext. 输入电话号码,包括国家号码、区号等,如果有分机号,在电话号码后边的 Ext. 中填写
问题2: Alternate Telephone no. 如果有备选的加拿大电话号码请勾选
- Canada/US 加拿大/美国
- Other 其他
- Type 类型
- Residence 住宅
- Cellular 手机
- Business 办公
- Country Code No. - Ext. 输入电话号码,包括国家号码、区号等,如果有分机号,在电话号码后边的 Ext. 中填写
问题3: Fax no. 传真号
- Canada/US 加拿大/美国
- Other 其他
- Country Code No. - Ext. 国家号码,分机号
问题4: E-mail address电子邮件地址
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Are you a Canadian citizen living exclusively outside Canada? See "Who can sponsor" in the Guide for information on residency. - Yes, No. - 你是否是居住于加拿大境外的加拿大公民?请在申请指南中关于居留信息部分查看“谁可以担保”
Immediately after my dependent children become permanent residents, I intend to live in: - 在我的配偶、同居伴侣或婚姻伴侣以及受抚养子女成为永久居民后,我打算立即前往、和其一起居住的地点
- a Canadian province or territory other than Quebec 加拿大魁北克省以外的省或地区
- the province of Quebec 魁北克省
此部分仅在你是加拿大公民,而且仅在加拿大境外居住时,想担保配偶、同居伴侣或婚姻伴侣 以及/或 无自己的子女的受抚养子女的情况下才填写。你必须勾选合适的选项,以确认自己打算在哪里与他们(在他们成为永久居民后)一起生活。
Co-signers who reside or intend to reside in Quebec need not complete Questions 5, 6, 7, or 12. - 居住在或打算居住在魁北克省的共同签署人不需要回答问题5、6、7或12。
If you answer "No" to questions 1 - 3, you are not eligible to be a co-signer. You should NOT submit your application. - 如果你在问题1-3中回答了No,你不具有作为共同签署人的资格。你不应该提交申请。
问题1: Are you 18 years of age or older? - Yes, No. - 你的年龄是否是18最及以上?
问题2: Are you a Canadian citizen or permanent resident? - Yes, No. - 你是否是加拿大公民或加拿大永久居民?
问题3: Do you reside in Canada and in no other country? 你是否居住在加拿大境内?
If you answered "NO", but are a Canadian citizen living exclusively outside Canada, you may still be eligible to sponsor. - Yes, No. - 如果你回答No,但是居住在加拿大境外的加拿大公民,你仍可能有资格担保。
If you answer "Yes" to any question 4 to 12 you are not eligible to be a co-signer. See Who can sponsor in the Guide for information. - 如果你在问题4-12中回答了yes,你不具有作为共同签署人的资格。请在申请指南中关于居留信息部分查看“谁可以担保”
问题4: Are you in receipt of social assistance for a reason other than disability? - Yes, No. - 你是否由于残障以外的原因接受社会救助?
问题5: Are you an undischarged bankrupt under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act? -Yes, No. - 据《破产和无力偿债法》,你是否还没有解除破产?
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问题6: Have persons you previously sponsored or their family members received social assistance during the validity period of the undertaking? - Yes, No. - 以前你担保的人士或其家庭成员是否在担保协议有效期内接受社会救助?
问题7: Did you co-sign an undertaking where the sponsored person or his or her family members received social assistance during the validity period of the undertaking? - Yes, No. - 以前你担保的人士或其家庭成员是否在共同签署的担保协议有效期内接受社会救助?
问题8: Have you been ordered to leave Canada? - Yes, No.你是否曾经 被命令从加拿大离境?
问题9: Are you late in making a required payment on an immigration loan, a performance bond or any other amounts you agreed to pay under Canadian immigration legislation, and have not made arrangements to defer payments? - Yes, No. - 根据移民法律,你是否拖欠移民贷款、履约保函或其他任何你同意支付的款项,没有就延期付款签署协议?
问题10: Are you currently detained in jail, prison, penitentiary or reformatory? - Yes, No. - 你目前是否被羁押在看守所、监狱或教管所?
问题11: Have you been convicted of a sexual offence or serious violent offence against anyone, or an offence causing bodily harm against someone who is or was related to you, or an attempt to commit such an offence? - Yes, No. - 你是否有过针对他人的性犯罪或严重的暴力犯罪?或者有过导致与你有关的其他人身体受伤害的犯罪?或者企图进行这样的犯罪?
问题12: Are you in default of a court order to make support payments to your spouse, former spouse, common-law partner, former common-law partner or child? - Yes, No. - 你是否未履行法院判令,支付生活费给你的配偶、前配偶、同居伴侣或前同居伴侣?
If you answer "Yes" to question 13 to 15, see the Guide for circumstances under which processing may be suspended. - 如果在问题13-15中你回答了yes,申请处理将会暂停,查看申请指南中相关介绍。
问题13: Are you the subject of an application to revoke your Canadian citizenship? - Yes, No. - 你是否在申请取消加拿大公民身份?
问题14: Are you the subject of a report on inadmissibility? - Yes, No. 你是否被认定不允许入境?
问题15: Have you been charged with an offence under an Act of Parliament punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of at least 10 years? - Yes, No. - 根据议会法案(联邦法律),你是否被指控犯有监禁刑期不少于10年的罪行?
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If you answered "Yes" to question 10, 13, 14, or 15 please provide details including date and place. - 如果在问题10、13、14或15中你回答了yes,请提供包含日期和地点的详细信息。
UNDERTAKING BY SPONSOR AND CO-SIGNER, IF APPLICABLE (For those residing in all provinces EXCEPT Quebec). - 担保人和共同签署人(如果适用)的承诺(居住在魁北克省以外的省)
I undertake to provide for the basic requirements of the sponsored person and his or her family members who accompany him or her to Canada, if they are not self-supporting. I promise to provide food, clothing, shelter, fuel, utilities, household supplies, personal requirements, and other goods and services, including dental care, eye care, and other health needs not provided by public health care. I understand that the money, goods or services provided by me must be sufficient for the sponsored people to live in Canada.
I promise that the sponsored person and his or her family members will not need to apply for social assistance.
I make these promises so that the sponsored person and his or her family members listed on this undertaking can be admitted to Canada as permanent residents. I understand that the sponsored person and his or her family members will be admitted solely on the basis of their relationship to me (as sponsor) and that they do not need to have the financial means to become established in Canada.
I understand that the validity period of this undertaking begins on the day on which the sponsored person enters Canada if that person enters Canada with a temporary resident permit or, if already in Canada, on the day on which the sponsored person obtains a temporary resident permit following an application to remain in Canada as a permanent resident, and in any other case on the day on which the sponsored person becomes a permanent resident. The length of the undertaking will vary according to the relationship of the sponsored person and his or her family members to me (as sponsor) and their age and it ends:
- if the sponsored person is my spouse, common-law partner, or conjugal partner, on the last day of the period of 3 years following the day on which they become a permanent resident;- 如果被担保人是我的配偶,或者同居伴侣、婚姻伴侣,结束时间为其成为永久居民之后3年的最后一天。
- if the sponsored person or family member is a dependent child of the sponsor or of the sponsor's spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner and is less than 22 years of age when they become a permanent resident, on the earlier of - 如果被担保人或家庭成员是担保人或担保人- 配偶/同居伴侣/婚姻伴侣的受抚养子女,并且成为永久居民时其年龄小于22岁,结束时间为
- the last day of the period of 10 years following the day on which they become a permanent resident, or 成为永久居民之后10年的最后一天,或者
- the day on which they reach 25 years of age, 达到25岁之日,
- if the sponsored person or family member is a dependent child of the sponsor or of the sponsor's spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner and is 22 years of age or older when they become a permanent resident, on the last day of the period of 3 years following the day on which they become a permanent resident; 如果被担保人或家庭成员是担保人或担保人配偶/同居伴侣/婚姻伴侣的受抚养子女,并且成为永久居民时其年龄大于等于19岁,承诺结束之日为成为永久居民之后3年的最后一天;
- if the sponsored person is a parent or grandparent of the sponsor, or a family member accompanying the parent or grandparent of the sponsor, on the last day of the period of 20 years following the day on which they become a permanent resident; and 如果被担保人是担保人的父母或祖父母,或随担保人父母/祖父母一起的家庭成员,结束之日为其成为永久居民之后20年的最后一天;
- if the sponsored person is a person other than a person referred to in A to D above, on the last day of the period of 10 years following the day on which they become a permanent resident. 如果被担保人不是上述A和D项中所提到的人士,结束日期为其成为永久居民之后10年的最后一天。
I understand that the undertaking remains in effect no matter what may change in my life. For example, if I am divorced, change jobs, become unemployed,and/or go back to school, I will still be responsible to the sponsored person and his or her family members I am sponsoring or for whom I am co-signing.
我对此了解:无论我生活有怎样的改变,例如离婚、换工作、失业、和/或 返回学校读书,承诺会一直有效,我将仍旧对我所担保(或共同签署担保)的担保人和其家庭成员负责。
I understand that, pursuant to section 135 of the Regulations to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, if I breach any of my sponsorship obligations I will be in default. I also understand that I will be in default if a government makes a payment that I have promised to repay in this undertaking. For example, if I fail to provide for the basic requirements of the sponsored person and his or her family members and they receive social assistance during the validity period of the undertaking, I will be in default. I understand that I will continue to be in default until the amount of benefits received are repaid in full or repaid to the satisfaction of the government concerned.
I understand that all social assistance paid to the sponsored person or his or her family members becomes a debt owed by me to Her Majesty in right of Canada and Her Majesty in right of the province concerned. As a result, the Minister and the province concerned have a right to take enforcement action against me (as sponsor or co-signer) alone, or against both of us.
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The Minister and the province concerned may choose not to take enforcement action to recover money from me if the default is the result of abuse or in other circumstances. The decision not to act at a particular time does not cancel the debt. The Minister and the province concerned may recover the debt when circumstances have changed.
I understand that I will not be allowed to sign or co-sign an additional application to sponsor another person under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and its Regulations if I am in default of any sponsorship undertaking. This holds true for both this undertaking and any past undertakings where I have not satisfactorily paid back my debts. As a co-signer, I understand that I am jointly and severally or solidarily bound with the sponsor to perform the obligations of the sponsorship undertaking and am liable with the sponsor for any breach of those obligations. If the sponsor and, if applicable, the co-signer do not provide support as required, the sponsored person can take legal action.
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PART 2: SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENT (For those residing in all provinces EXCEPT Quebec)- 第二部:担保协议(居住在魁北克省以外省份或地区的人士)
The sponsor and, if applicable, the co-signer must, before a sponsorship undertaking can be approved, enter into a written agreement with the person to be sponsored (i.e. the principal applicant) if this person is 19 years of age or older or is the sponsor's spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner. This agreement lists the obligations and responsibilities that fall unto the sponsor and, if applicable, the co-signer as well as unto the person being sponsored and his or her accompanying family members.
As sponsor or co-signer, I promise to provide the sponsored person and his or her family members' basic requirements for a period that begins the day on which the sponsored person enters Canada with a temporary resident permit or, if already in Canada on the day on which the sponsored person obtains a temporary resident permit following an application to remain in Canada as a permanent resident, and in any other case on the day on which the sponsored person becomes a permanent resident and ends:
- if the sponsored person is the spouse, common-law partner, or conjugal partner of the sponsor, on the last day of the period of 3 years following the day on which they become a permanent resident; 如果被担保人是担保人的配偶,或者同居伴侣、婚姻伴侣,结束时间为其成为永久居民之后3年的最后一天。
- if the sponsored person or family member is a dependent child of the sponsor or of the sponsor's spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner and is less than 22 years of age when they become a permanent resident, on the earlier of 如果被担保人或家庭成员是担保人或担保人配偶/同居伴侣/婚姻伴侣的受抚养子女,并且成为永久居民时其年龄小于22岁,结束时间为
- the last day of the period of 10 years following the day on which they become a permanent resident, or 成为永久居民之后10年的最后一天,或者
- the day on which they reach 25 years of age; 达到25岁之日;
- if the sponsored person or family member is a dependent child of the sponsor or of the sponsor's spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner and is 22 years of age or older when they become a permanent resident, on the last day of the period of 3 years following the day on which they become a permanent resident; 如果被担保人或家庭成员是担保人或担保人配偶/同居伴侣/婚姻伴侣的受抚养子女,并且成为永久居民时其年龄大于等于22岁,承诺结束之日为成为永久居民之后3年的最后一天;
- if the sponsored person is a parent or grandparent of the sponsor, or a family member accompanying the parent or grandparent of the sponsor, on the last day of the period of 20 years following the day on which they become a permanent resident; and 如果被担保人是担保人的父母或祖父母,或随担保人父母/祖父母一起的家庭成员,结束之日为其成为永久居民之后20年的最后一天;
- if the sponsored person is a person other than a person referred to in A to D above, on the last day of the period of 10 years following the day on which they become a permanent resident. 如果被担保人不是上述A和D项中所提到的人士,结束日期为其成为永久居民之后10年的最后一天。
Basic requirements include food, shelter, clothing, fuel, utilities, household supplies, personal requirements and health care not provided by public health, including dental care and eye care.
I promise that financial obligations or other personal circumstances over the applicable period referred to above will not prevent me from honouring this agreement and the sponsorship undertaking I signed or co-signed;
I promise that the sponsored person and his or her family members will not need to apply for social assistance benefits; and
I promise to respond promptly to requests for help from the sponsored person and his or her family members by giving money, buying items or providing services for their living expenses.
As the person to be sponsored, I promise to make every reasonable effort to provide for my own basic requirements as well as those of my accompanying family members;
I promise to ask the sponsor and co-signer (if applicable) for help if I or my family members are having difficulty supporting themselves or meeting their own basic requirements.
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Elderly parents or grandparents who are sponsored are not expected to look for a job to care for themselves.
Sponsored persons and/or their family members who are being abused or assaulted by their sponsors should seek safety away from their sponsors even if this means that they will have to apply for social assistance benefits. A sponsor cannot force Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada to remove you from Canada.
被担保人士 或/和 其家庭成员受到担保人虐待或袭击时,应该保证自己的安全,离开担保人,即使此举意味着他们将不得不申请社会救助福利。担保人不能强迫加拿大移民、难民及公民部驱逐你离境。
An undertaking is unconditional and may not be terminated. Under no circumstances does the granting of Canadian citizenship, divorce, separation or relationship breakdown, financial deterioration or moving to another province cancel the undertaking.
The sponsored person consents to the release to the sponsor or co-signer of information of information concerning social assistance the sponsored person or his or her family members applied for or received during the validity period of the sponsorship undertaking.
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- I agree to the terms outlined in the Undertaking section 我接受承诺部分所列条款
- I agree to the terms outlined in the Sponsorship Agreement section 我接受担保协议部分所列条款
- I declare that the information given on this form and any attached documents is complete, correct and fully discloses everything concerning my eligibility to sponsor or co-sign. 我声明:此表所提供的信息以及任何附属文件是完整、正确的,并且完全列出了关于我作为担保人或共同签署人的资格
- I understand that any false or misleading information may lead to the refusal of the application for permanent residence of the person I am sponsoring (or for whom I am co-signer). I understand that giving false or misleading information may be grounds for my prosecution and the removal of the person I am sponsoring and his or her family members from Canada. 我对此了解:任何错误或误导信息可能导致我所担保(或共同担保)人士的永久居留申请被拒绝。提供错误或误导信息可能导致我被起诉、被担保人及其家庭成员可能被驱逐出境。
- I understand all the above statements, having asked for and obtained an explanation on every point that was not clear to me. 我对此了解:所有上述陈述,已经要求并得到了关于每一个不清楚之处的解释。
- I agree to the terms outlined in the Sponsorship Agreement section 我接受担保协议部分所列条款
- I understand the above statement, having asked for and obtained an explanation on any point that was not clear to me. 我对此了解:所有上述陈述,已经要求并得到了关于每一个不清楚之处的解释。
I agree that by typing my name, I am electronically signing my application. 我同意,通过输入我的名字,就是在电子签名我的申请。
Sponsor's signature 担保人签字
Signature of sponsor's spouse or common-law partner (if co-signer)
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Signature of sponsored person (principal applicant)
This application must be signed and dated before it is submitted.
Do not forget to include: fees (if applicable), and any other documents required for processing. Review application guide and kit for more information and verify you have completed all of the required documents as per the document checklist.
“The information you provide on this form as well as on any accompanying documents is collected under the authority of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. It is required for the purpose of determining your ability to sponsor the person(s) named in this application or to co-sign this application as the sponsor's spouse or common-law partner. It may be used to enforce the undertaking you have signed or co-signed and may be provided to provincial authorities pursuant to federal/provincial information exchange agreements. By submitting this form, you consent to the release to the Canadian government authorities of all records and information any government authority, including police, judicial and state authorities in all countries in which you have lived, may possess on your behalf. You further consent to criminal background checks with appropriate law enforcement authorities. Information may also be disclosed to foreign governments, law enforcement bodies and detaining authorities with respect to the administration and enforcement of immigration legislation where such sharing of information may not put the individual and or his/her family at risk. It will be stored in a Personal Information Bank (CIC PPU 013) at IRCC. In accordance with the Privacy Act and the Access to Information Act, individuals have a right to protection of and access to their personal information. Details on these matters are available at the Infosource website http://infosource.gc.ca) and through the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada Call Centre. Infosource is also available at public libraries across Canada.”
根据《移民及难民保护法》的授权,此表中你所提供的信息和其他文件的信息将会被收集。这些信息将会被用来确定你担保或作为担保人配偶、同居伴侣共同担保文件中所列被担保人的担保能力。根据联邦/省的信息交换协议,这些可能会提供给省级权力机构,信息可能被用来执行你所签署或共同签署的承诺。信息将会被存储于IRCC的个人信息库中(编号:CIC PPU 013)。提交此表,代表你同意将所有记录披露给加拿大政府以及任何政府权力机构,包括所有你曾经居住过国家的警方、司法部门以及国家权力部门。你进一步同意恰当的执法机构对你进行背景调查。根据移民法的管理和执行考虑,如共享信息不会将个人和其家庭成员置于危险境地,信息也可能会透露给国外政府、执法机构和羁押机关,根据《隐私法》和《信息获取法》,个人有权保护、以及获取存其个人信息。详情可参考信息源网站,也可以通过 IRCC 呼叫中心来了解。信息源也可从加拿大公共图书馆获得。
时光在路上 最后编辑于:2023年1月30日
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