表格版本:IMM 5406 (06-2023) E
加拿大移民部(IRCC)最新版下载地址:IMM 5406e.pdf(使用电脑下载、打开并填写完成。在打开后的页面使用鼠标右键选择“另存为”,保存到本地)
父母和祖父母担保的申请、填表指南请参考 Guide 5772
- 你,作为主申请人,
- 你的配偶或同居伴侣(无论他们是否与你一同到加拿大),以及
- 你的受抚养子女(18岁及以上。无论其是否与你一同到加拿大。)

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The principal applicant, their spouse, common-law or conjugal partner (if applicable), and all dependent children 18 years of age or older must complete their own copy of this form. Complete ALL names in English and in your native language (for example, Arabic, Cyrillic, Chinese, Chinese commercial/telegraphic code, Korean, or Japanese characters). If you require more space for any section, please either add lines to the form by pressing the + button to the right or attach a separate sheet with the additional information. If a section does not apply, write "Not applicable".
主申请人、其配偶、同居伴侣或夫妻伴侣(如适用)以及所有18岁或以上的受抚养子女必须填写其自己的表格副本。用英语和母语(例如,阿拉伯文、西里尔字母、中文、中文商用电码、韩文或日文)填写所有姓名。如果需要任何部分的更多空间,请按右侧的+按钮在表格中添加行,或者附上一张包含附加信息的单独表格。如果某一部分不适用,请填写"Not applicable"。
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BEFORE YOU START, READ THE INSTRUCTION GUIDE. TYPE or PRINT in black ink. 在你开始之前,请阅读申请指南。填写或打印请用黑色。
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- Family name (as shown on passport/travel document) - 姓氏(如护照或旅行文件上所示)
- Given name(s) (as shown on passport/travel document) - 名字(如护照或旅行文件上所示)
- Date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD) - 出生日期(年-月-日)
- Country or territory of birth (as shown on passport/travel document) - 出生国家或地区(如护照或旅行文件上所示)
- Marital status - 婚姻状态
- Annulled marriage - 法律上无效婚姻
- Common-law - 同居。是指和你的伴侣以婚姻状态连续居住至少一年
- Conjugal - 婚姻关系
- Divorced- 离异。是指法院已经判定离婚,婚姻从法律上讲已结束了
- Legally separated - 分居。是指已经结婚,但是不再和配偶居住
- Married - 已婚。是指你和你的配偶举行仪式,并且其对双方具有法律约束力。结婚必须被所在国家和加拿大法律上认可。
- 如果你已婚并亲身参加婚礼,勾选 ”I was physically present at the marriage ceremony.”(参见:《married not physically present 是什么意思?》一文);
- Single - 未婚。从没结婚也没有同居伴侣
- Unknown - 未知
- Widowed - 丧偶:是指你的配偶已经去世,并且你没有再婚或处于同居状态
- Present occupation - 当前职业
- E-mail address - 电邮地址
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Will accompany you to Canada? - 是否与你一同到加拿大 Yes/No
- Family name (as shown on passport/travel document) - 姓氏(如护照或旅行文件上所示)
- Given name(s) (as shown on passport/travel document) - 名字(如护照或旅行文件上所示)
- Date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD) - 出生日期(年-月-日)
- Country or territory of birth (as shown on passport/travel document) - 出生国家或地区(如护照或旅行文件上所示)
- Present address (If deceased give city/town, country and date of death) - 当前地址(如果去世,填写去世时的日期和城市/乡镇、国家名称)
- Marital status - 婚姻状态
- Annulled marriage - 法律上无效婚姻
- Common-law - 同居。是指和你的伴侣以婚姻状态连续居住至少一年
- Conjugal - 婚姻关系
- Divorced- 离异。是指法院已经判定离婚,婚姻从法律上讲已结束了
- Legally separated - 分居。是指已经结婚,但是不再和配偶居住
- Married - 已婚。是指你和你的配偶举行仪式,并且其对双方具有法律约束力。结婚必须被所在国家和加拿大法律上认可。
- 如果你已婚并亲身参加婚礼,勾选 ”I was physically present at the marriage ceremony.”(参见:《married not physically present 是什么意思?》一文);
- Single - 未婚。从没结婚也没有同居伴侣
- Unknown - 未知
- Widowed - 丧偶:是指你的配偶已经去世,并且你没有再婚或处于同居状态
- Present occupation - 当前职业
- E-mail address - 电邮地址
PARENT 1 (MOTHER OR FATHER) - 你的父母 1(母亲或父亲)
- Family name (as shown on passport/travel document) - 姓氏(如护照或旅行文件上所示)
- Given name(s) (as shown on passport/travel document) - 名字(如护照或旅行文件上所示)
- Date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD) - 出生日期(年-月-日)
- Country or territory of birth (as shown on passport/travel document) - 出生国家或地区(如护照或旅行文件上所示)
- Present address (If deceased give city/town, country and date of death) - 当前地址(如果去世,填写去世时的日期和城市/乡镇、国家名称)
- Marital status - 婚姻状态
- Annulled marriage - 法律上无效婚姻
- Common-law - 同居。是指和你的伴侣以婚姻状态连续居住至少一年
- Conjugal - 婚姻关系
- Divorced- 离异。是指法院已经判定离婚,婚姻从法律上讲已结束了
- Legally separated - 分居。是指已经结婚,但是不再和配偶居住
- Married - 已婚。是指你和你的配偶举行仪式,并且其对双方具有法律约束力。结婚必须被所在国家和加拿大法律上认可。
- 如果你已婚并亲身参加婚礼,勾选 ”I was physically present at the marriage ceremony.”(参见:《married not physically present 是什么意思?》一文);
- Single - 未婚。从没结婚也没有同居伴侣
- Unknown - 未知
- Widowed - 丧偶:是指你的配偶已经去世,并且你没有再婚或处于同居状态
- Present occupation - 当前职业
- E-mail address - 电邮地址
PARENT 2 (MOTHER OR FATHER) - 你的父母 2(母亲或父亲)
这部填写类似于 “YOUR PARENT 1” ,略。
(Include ALL sons and daughters, including ALL adopted and step-children, regardless of age or place of residence)包含所有子女,包括所有收养的子女和继子女,无论其年龄或居住地址,即使他们已是加拿大永久居民。
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I do not have any children - 我没有任何子女。勾选此项后,直接跳到C部分。
如果不勾选上述选项,则下面的填写类似于“PARENT 1” ,此处略。
SECTION C - BROTHERS AND SISTERS (Including half- and step-brothers and sisters) - C 部分:兄弟姐妹(包括同父异母、同母异父或继兄弟姐妹)
I do not have brothers or sisters - 我没有兄弟姐妹
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此部分填写类似于“PARENT 1” ,唯一不同地的是多出一个“Relationship”选项。
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Relationship - 关系:
- Brother - 兄弟
- Sister - 姐妹
- Half Brother - 同父异母/同母异父兄弟
- Half Sister - 同父异母/同母异父姐妹
- Step-brother - 继兄弟
- Step-sister - 继姐妹
I certify that the information contained on this document is complete, accurate and factual. I also realize that once this document has been completed and signed that it will form part of my Immigration Record and will be used to verify my family details on future applications.
Signature: ____________ 签字
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) 日期:年-月-日
Personal information provided on this form is collected by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) under the authority of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA). The personal information will be used for the purpose of processing an application. The personal information provided may be disclosed to other federal government institutions for the purpose of validating information and eligibility. The personal information may also be disclosed to law enforcement bodies for the purpose of validating identity, eligibility and admissibility. The personal information may also be disclosed to provincial/territorial governments and foreign governments for the purpose of validating eligibility and admissibility.
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Personal information may also be used for other purposes including research, statistics, program and policy evaluation, internal audit, compliance, program integrity, risk management, subsequent program eligibility, strategy development and reporting.
Failure to complete the form in full may result in a delay or the application not being processed. The Privacy Act gives individuals the right of access to, protection, and correction of their personal information. If you are not satisfied with the manner in which IRCC handles your personal information, you may exercise your right to file a complaint to the Office of Privacy Commissioner of Canada. The collection, use, disclosure and retention of your personal information is further described in IRCC's Personal Information Bank - IRCC PPU 009, 013, 042, 054.
未能完整填写表格可能会导致申请延迟或不予处理。《隐私法》赋予个人访问、保护和更正个人信息的权利。如果您对 IRCC 处理您个人信息的方式不满意,可以行使向加拿大隐私专员办公室投诉的权利。有关您个人信息的收集、使用、披露和保留,请参阅 IRCC 的个人信息库 - IRCC PPU 009, 013, 042, 054。
时光在路上 最后编辑于:2023年12月9日