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表格版本:IMM 5669 (11-2018) E
- 此表仅适用于 与 guide IMM 5289(配偶/同居伴侣/婚姻伴侣/受抚养子女) 或guide IMM 5772(加拿大公民或永久居民担保父母或祖父母) 一起使用。
- 加拿大移民部(IRCC)网站最新版文件下载地址:imm5669e.pdf(使用电脑下载、打开并填写完成。在打开后的页面使用鼠标右键选择“另存为”,保存到本地)
- 如果申请表版本过期,希望朋友们能留言提醒,会及时更新。
- 原始表格上文字不可复制,如果你能复制,说明申请表已损坏,请下载最新申请表。
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- 你,主申请人;
- 你的配偶或同居伴侣(无论是否与你一起到加拿大),以及
- 你的受抚养子女(18岁及以上。无论其是否与你一起到加拿大)。
注意:加拿大移民部对“配偶”和“同居伴侣”有定义,请参考此处关于 配偶 和同居伴侣的定义。
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清单 A - 背景/声明

The principal applicant, his or her spouse or common-law partner, if applicable, and all dependent children aged 18 years or older listed in the application for permanent residence must complete their own copy of this form.
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"Validate"确认按钮 /Clear 清除所有填写内容按钮
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—— 第1页 ——
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问题1:UCI 如果你你有UCI号,请填写。如果你首次与IRCC打交道,你不会有UCI。详情请参考我以前的文章:《什么是UCI?》。
问题2:Application Number 此问题仅适用于已经提交了申请,并且被签证官要求填写此表的申请人。如果适用于你,请在此填写申请编号。
问题1: Full name 全名
- *Family name (as shown on your passport or travel document) 姓氏(护照或旅行文件上所标示)
- Given name(s) (as shown on your passport or travel document) 名字(护照或旅行文件上所标示。不要使用首字母缩写)
问题2: Date of birth 出生日期 ( 如果你不知道完整的出生日期,请用星号在相应位置填写。)
- YYYY MM DD 年-月-日
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问题3: Personal details of your parents 提供你父、母的个人信息
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- Relationship: Father 关系:父亲
- Unknown 未知 (如果勾选此处,后面所有区域将会变成灰色,即不需填写。)
- Family name 姓氏
- Given name(s) 名字
- *City/Town of birth 出生城市/乡镇
- Country of birth 出生国家
- Province/State 所在省/州
- *Date of birth 出生日期
- Date of death (if deceased) 死亡日期(如果已去世)
- Relationship: Mather 关系:母亲
- Unknown 未知 (如果勾选此处,后面所有区域将会变成灰色,即不需填写。)
- Family name 姓氏
- Given name(s) 名字
- *City/Town of birth 出生城市/乡镇
- Country of birth 出生国家
- Province/State 所在省/州
- *Date of birth 出生日期
- Date of death (if deceased) 死亡日期(如果已去世)
问题4: Have you, or, if you are the principal applicant, any of your family members listed in your application for permanent residence in Canada ever:
a) been convicted of a crime or offence in Canada for which a pardon has not been granted under the Criminal Records Act of Canada? - Yes, No. 你是否在加拿大犯罪,犯罪记录仍未被撤销案底?
b) been convicted of, or are you currently charged with, on trial for, or party to a crime or offence, or subject of any criminal proceedings in any country? - Yes, No. 你是否曾经犯罪、或当前在其他任何国家受到犯罪指控、审讯,或参与犯罪、或面临刑事诉讼?
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c) made previous claims for refugee protection in Canada or at a Canadian visa office abroad, in any other country or countries, or with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)? - Yes, No. 是否以前在加拿大境内、加拿大海外签证处或向联合国难民事务高级专员公署申请过难民保护?
d) been refused refugee status, or an immigrant or permanent resident visa (including a Certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ) or application to the Provincial Nominee Program) or visitor or temporary resident visa, to Canada or any other country? - Yes, No. 是否曾经被拒绝过难民身份、移民身份或永久居民签证(包括魁北克甄选证书、省提名),或者加拿大以及其他任何国家的访客签证、临时居民签证?
—— 第2页 ——
e) been refused admission to, or ordered to leave Canada or any other country? - Yes, No. 是否被加拿大或其他国家拒绝入境或被命令离境?
f) been involved in an act of genocide, a war crime or in the commission of a crime against humanity? Yes, No.
g) used, planned or advocated the use of armed struggle or violence to reach political, religious or social objectives? - Yes, No.
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h) been associated with a group that used, uses, advocated or advocates the use of armed struggle or violence to reach political, religious or social objectives?
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i) been a member of an organization that is or was engaged in an activity that is part of a pattern of criminal activity? - Yes, No.
j) been detained, incarcerated, or put in jail? - Yes, No.
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k) had any serious disease or physical or mental disorder? - Yes, No.
If your answer to any of these questions is YES, provide details below
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问题5: Education History - 教育经历/学历
Provide the number of years of school you successfully completed for each of the following levels of schooling. 填写你所接受的正规教育时间及教育水平。
- Elementary/Primary School 小学
- Secondary/High School 中学/高中
- University/College 大学/学院
- Trade/Other Post Secondary 职校/其他专上教育
Give full details of all the secondary and post secondary education (including university, college and apprenticeship training) you have had.
From 起始时间
- YYYY MM 年-月-日
To 终止时间
- YYYY MM 年-月-日
Ongoing 当前正在上学(勾选此处,则终止日期不必填写。)
Level of Education 教育水平
Field of study 学习领域
Name of school/institution 学校/机构 名称
Certificate and diploma issued 所获得的证书或文凭
City/Town 城市/乡镇
*Country 国家
Province/State 省/州
(如果无证书或文凭,请填写 N/A 。如果需要更多空间,可以在单独页另外补充。)
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—— 第3页 ——
问题6: Personal History 个人经历
Provide the details of your personal history since the age of 18, or the past 10 years, whichever is most recent.
Start with the most recent information. Under 'Activity type', write your occupation or job title if you were working. If you were not working, provide information on what you were doing (for example: unemployed, studying, travelling, retired, in detention, etc.). If you were outside your country of nationality, indicate your status in that country.
从最近的时间开始写。如果工作,在 'Activity type' 工作类型一栏填写你的职位或工作名称。如果你不工作,提供你所从事的内容(例如,无业、学习、旅行、退休或羁押等信息)
Note: Please ensure that you do not leave any gaps in time.注意:请确保时间上不间断。
From 起始时间
- YYYY MM 年-月
To 终止时间
- YYYY MM 年-月
Ongoing 还未终止
Activity type 活动类型
- Employment/Emploi 就业
- Educational Activity/Activité éducative 教育
- Incarcerated/Incarcéré 监禁
- Unemployed/Au chômage 无业
- Homemaker/Foyer 家政
- Retired/Retraité 退休
- Other/Autre 其他
Job/Activity Title, Position 工作/活动 名称,职位
*Status in country 身份(如果当时你在国籍国之外,请填写当时在那个国家的身份)
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- Citizen 公民
- Permanent resident 永久居民
- Visitor 访客
- Worker 劳工
- Student 学生
- Other 其他
- Protected Person 受保护人士
- Refugee Claimant 难民申请者
- Foreign National 外国人(博主注:一般没有合法身份,例如失去身份的人,才会选此项)
Name of company, employer, school, facility, as applicable 公司名称,雇主,学校,机构,其他适用内容
City/Town 城市/乡镇
*Country 国家
Province/State 省/州
From (YYYY-MM) | To (YYYY-MM) | Activity Type | Job/Activity Title, Position | City/town and Country | Status in Country | Name of company, employer, school etc. |
2015-05 | 2016-01 | Employment | Salesperson | Ottawa, Canada 本文禁止无授权转载 - 时光在路上 www.timezls.com 保留所有权利 | Work visa | XYZ Company |
2014-02 | 2015-04 | Unemployed | unemployed | Beijing, China | Citizen | - |
2009-01 | 2014-01 | Educational Activity | student | Toronto, Canada | Study visa | University of Toronto |
2007-11 | 2008-12 | Unemployed | vacation 本文禁止无授权转载 - 时光在路上 www.timezls.com 保留所有权利 | Toronto, Canada | Visitor visa | - |
2006-01 | 2007-10 | Educational Activity | student | Beijing, China | citizen | ABC high school |
问题7: Membership or Association with Organizations 成员或机构的协会
Have you ever been a member of an organization, such as a trade union, professional association, or political, social, youth or student organization? - Yes, No.
—— 第4页 ——
From 起始时间
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- YYYY MM 年-月
To 终止时间
- YYYY MM 年-月
Ongoing 还未终止
Name of Organization 组织名称
Type of Organization 组织类型
Activities/Positions Held 从事工作/职务
City/Town 城市/乡镇
Country 国家
问题8: Government Positions - 政府职位
Have you ever held any government positions? - *No, *Yes. 你是否拥有任何政府职位?
- 公务员
- 法官
- 警察
- 安全组织雇员
- 其他
From 起始时间
- YYYY MM 年-月
To 终止时间
- YYYY MM 年-月
Ongoing 还未终止
Level of jurisdiction 权限级别(例如,国家级(national),地区及(regional),市级(municipal))
Department/Branch 部门/分支
Activity and or position held 从事工作内容或职务
Country 国家
问题9: Military and/or Paramilitary Service 军事 和/或 准军事组织服役
Have you served in the armed forces of any country? - Yes, No. 是否曾经服役于任何国家的武装力量?
—— 第5页 ——
From 起始日期
- YYYY MM 年-月
To 终止日期
- YYYY MM 年-月
Ongoing 还未终止
*Country 国家
Name/number of the military branch/unit 军事机构名称/番号
Name of commanding officer 指挥官姓名
Military Rank 军衔
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Dates and places of any active combat 任何行动/战斗 的时间和地点
Reason for end of service 服役结束原因
- Completed service 完成服役
- Deserted 擅离
- Invalided out 伤病退伍
- Medical problems 健康原因
- other 其他
- Transferred 调离
问题10: Addresses 住址
Provide all of the addresses where you have lived in the past ten years or since your 18th birthday, whichever is most recent. Do not exclude any period of time during this timeframe. Do not use P.O. box addresses
提供过去10年或从18岁以后(那个最近选哪个)后所有居住地址。不要排除任何时期。不要使用邮箱号。(地址应该写全称,不使用缩写。使用公寓/楼宇的地址,如果适用。例如:999 Family Street, Unit #3, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K3J 9T5)
From 起始时间
- YYYY MM 年-月
To 终止时间
- YYYY MM 年-月
Ongoing 还未终止
Apt/Unit 公寓/楼宇
Street Number 街道号
Street name 街道名称
*City/Town 城市/乡镇
*Country 国家
Province/State 省/州
Postal code 邮政编码
District 区
—— 第6页 ——
Authority to disclose personal information 授权披露个人信息
By submitting this form, you consent to the release to Canadian government authorities of all records and information any government authority, including police, judicial and state authorities in all countries in which you have lived may possess on your behalf concerning any investigations, arrests, charges, trials, convictions and sentences. This information will be use to assist in evaluating your suitability for admission to Canada or remaining in Canada pursuant to Canadian legislation.
Declaration of applicant 申请声明
I understand that misrepresentation is an offence under section 127 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and may result in a finding of inadmissibility to Canada or removal from Canada.
I agree that by typing my name, I am electronically signing my application.
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Signature 签字
Date: YYYY-MM-DD 签署日期: 年-月-日
The information you provide on this form is collected under the authority of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and will be used for the purpose of assessing our application for permanent residence. It will be stored in Personal Information Banks (PPU 039 entitled Overseas Immigration Case File and PPU 042 entitled Immigrant Case File). For refugee claimants, this information will be used for the purpose of assessing your admissibility to Canada and eligibility to make a refugee claim according to the requirements of the Act. This information will be retained in the Personal Information Bank CIC PPU 009 entitled Refugee Claim in Canada. It may be shared with other organizations in accordance with the consistent use of information under the Privacy Act. Under the provisions of the Privacy Act and the Access to Information Act, individuals have the right to protection of and access to their personal information. Details on these matters are available at the Infosource website and are also available at public libraries across Canada.
根据《移民及难民保护法》的授权,此表中你所提供的信息和其他文件的信息将会被收集。这些信息将会被用来评估永久居留申请。信息将会被存储于IRCC的个人信息库中(海外移民案例文件编号:PPU 039 和移民案例文件编号:PPU 042)。对于难民申请者,根据《移民及难民保护法》的授权,此信息将会被用来评估入境和难民申请资格。该信息将会被存储于IRCC个人信息库中(难民申请编号:PPU 009)。根据《隐私法》中信息使用规定,信息可能用于与其他机构共享。根据《隐私法》和《信息获取法》,个人有权保护、以及获取存其个人信息。详情可参考信息源网站 http://infosource.gc.ca/,也可以通过 IRCC 呼叫中心来了解。信息源也可从加拿大公共图书馆获得。
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