表格版本:IMM 5768 (06-2019) E
父母和祖父母担保申请、填表指南,请参考 Guide 5772
父母和祖父母财务评估表IMM 5786 将帮助你(担保人)(以及你的配偶/同居伴侣,如果其是共同签署人)判断自己是否有能力资助自己所担保的人士及其家庭成员。
- 父母,
- 祖父母,以及
- 他们的受抚养子女,如果适用。
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—— 第 1 页 ——
A) Is your spouse or common-law partner co-signing the undertaking? - Yes, No.
Give the following details. 提供下列详情(如果你选择 yes)
Full name of your spouse or common-law partner 你的配偶或同居伴侣的全名
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- Family name 姓氏
- Given name(s) 名字
- Date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD) 出生日期(年-月-日)
B) Your full name 你的全名
- Family name 姓氏
- Given name(s) 名字
The information you provide on this form is collected under the authority of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Regulations and will be used in assessing your eligibility as a sponsor according to the regulatory requirements. It will be retained in the Personal Information Bank CIC PPU 013. It may be shared with other organizations in accordance with the consistent use of information under the Privacy Act. Under the Privacy Act and the Access to Information Act individuals have the right to protection of and access to their personal information. Details on these matters are available at infosource.gc.ca and through the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Call Centre. Infosource is also available at Public Libraries in Canada.
根据《移民及难民保护法》和《移民及难民保护条例》的授权,此表中你所提供的信息和其他文件的信息将会被收集。这些信息将会被用来评估你作为担保人的资格。信息将会被存储于IRCC的个人信息库中(编号:CIC PPU 013)。根据《隐私法》中信息使用规定,信息可能用于与其他机构共享。根据《隐私法》和《信息获取法》,个人有权保护、以及获取存其个人信息。详情可参考信息源网站 https://www.canada.ca/en/treasury-board-secretariat/services/access-information-privacy/access-information/information-about-programs-information-holdings.html ,也可以通过 IRCC 呼叫中心来了解。信息源也可从加拿大公共图书馆获得。本文禁止全文转载。任何形式转载请联系作者(时光在路上 www.timezls.com) Copyright © 2023. All Rights Reserved
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已经生效或还未生效的 经你、你的共同签署人(如果适用)签字的担保协议中所包含的你的家庭成员以及其他人士
问题2: You 你(必须包括你自己,作为家庭的一份子)
A) Current undertaking 当前的担保承诺
Number of persons included in box #3 of the Generic Application Form for Canada (IMM 0008), under section Application Details.
包括你在内的当前家庭成员人数(在普通加拿大申请表 IMM 0008中申请详情部分,需要填写家庭成员人数)
B) Previous undertakings 以前的担保承诺
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- Number of persons included in previous undertakings you signed as a sponsor and that are still in effect. Provide details in question 9 on page 2. 作为担保人,你以前签署的目前仍有效的担保承诺中填写的人数。在第 2 页问题9中提供详情。
- Number of persons included in previous undertakings you signed as a sponsor and that are not yet in effect (persons who have not yet become permanent residents). Provide details on the back of this page.
作为担保人,你以前签署的目前仍还未生效(还未成为永久居民的人士)的担保承诺中填写的人数。在第2页问题9中提供详情。 - Number of persons included in previous undertakings you co-signed, where these undertakings are still in effect. Provide details on the back of this page.
作为共同签署人,你以前签署的目前仍有效的担保承诺中填写的人数。在第 2 页问题 9 中提供详情。 - Number of persons included in previous undertakings you co-signed, where these undertakings are not yet in effect (persons who have not yet become permanent residents). Provide details on the back of this page.
作为共同签署人,你以前签署的目前仍还未生效(还未成为永久居民的人士)的担保承诺中填写的人数。在第 2 页问题 9 中提供详情。
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问题4. Complete this section only if your spouse or common-law partner is co-signing the undertaking
- Number of persons included in previous undertakings your spouse or common-law partner signed as a sponsor and that are still in effect. Do not include persons already accounted for in 2. or 3.B(iii). Provide details on the back of this page.
你的配偶或同居伴伴侣以前作为担保人签署的仍旧有效的承诺中所填写的人数。不要包含问题2 或问题3.B(iii)中已经计算过的人数。 - Number of persons included in previous undertakings your spouse or common-law partner signed as a sponsor and that are not yet in effect (persons who have not yet become permanent residents). Do not include persons already accounted for in question 3.B(iv). Provide details in question 10 on page 2.
你的配偶或同居伴伴侣以前作为担保人签署的还未生效(还未成为永久居民的人士)的承诺中所填写的人数。不要包含问题 3.B(iv) 中已经计算过的人数。在第 2 页问题 10 中提供详情。 - Number of persons included in previous undertakings your spouse or common-law partner co-signed, where these undertakings are still in effect. Do not include persons already accounted for in question 3.B(i). Provide details on the back of this page.
你的配偶或同居伴伴侣以前共同签署的仍旧有效的承诺中所填写的人数。不要包含问题 3.B(i) 中已经计算过的人数。在第 2 页问题 10 中提供详情。 - Number of persons included in previous undertakings your spouse or common-law partner co-signed, where these undertakings are not yet in effect (persons who have not yet become permanent residents). Do not include persons already accounted for in question 3.B(ii). Provide details on the back of this page.
你的配偶或同居伴伴侣以前共同签署的目前仍未生效的(还未成为永久居民的人士)的承诺中所填写的人数。不要包含问题 3.B(ii) 中已经计算过的人数。在第 2 页问题 10 中提供详情。
问题5. Your spouse or common-law partner, if not included in 3. above. Provide details on the back of this page if they are not co-signing the undertaking.
问题6. Every other family member not included above and dependent on you financially, whether they are living with you or not. Enter their number in the box on the right and provide details on the back of this page.
问题7. Total number of persons for the purpose of determining your minimum necessary income.
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Add the numbers entered in the boxes 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 above and write the total here.
—— 第 2 页 ——
问题8. Sponsor - Statement of Consent 担保人- 同意声明
By selecting "Yes" in the box below, and by signing this statement, I hereby give consent to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to collect my Social Insurance Number (SIN) for the purpose of requesting that the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) disclose my income tax information for the three consecutive years immediately preceding the date of the application in order to determine whether the sponsor meets the minimum necessary income requirements (Low-Income-Cut-Offs + 30%) to sponsor a parent or grandparent as outlined in section 133(1)(j(i)(B) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR).通过勾选下面表格的yes选项,在声明上签字,我因此同意加拿大移民、难民及公民部收集我的社会保险号信息,以用于向加拿大税务局请求披露我提交此申请时近三年税收信息之目的。根据《移民及难民保护法》第133(1)(j(i)(B)之规定,并以此税务信息确定我是否满足作为担保人担保父母或祖父母时最低必需收入要求(最低收入标准 + 30%)。
If you check "No", you must provide the information requested on the Income Sources for the Sponsorship of Parents and Grandparents (IMM 5748). 如果你勾选No,你必须提供父母和祖父母担保收入来源表 IMM 5748。
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- Yes 是
- No 否
- S.I.N. 社会保险号
- Signature 签字
- Date (YYYY-MM-DD) 签署日期(年-月-日)
问题9. Details of your family members and persons included in undertakings in effect or not yet in effect signed by you and, if applicable, your co-signer.
已经生效或还未生效的 经你、你的共同签署人(如果适用)签字的担保协议中所包含的你的家庭成员以及其他人士 的详情。
- Family name 姓氏
- Given name(s) 名字
- Date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD) 出生日期(年-月-日)
Persons included in previous undertakings you signed as a sponsor and that are still in effect. (see 3.B i) on page 1)
包含在以前担保承诺中,该承诺中你作为担保人签字,如果该承诺仍旧有效,请看第1页的问题 3.Bi 部分。
Persons included in previous undertakings you signed as a sponsor and that are not yet in effect. (see 3.B ii) on page 1)
包含在以前担保承诺中,该承诺中你作为共同担保人签字,如果该承诺还未生效,请看第1页的问题3.B ii部分。
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Persons included in previous undertakings you co-signed and that are still in effect. (see 3.B iii) on page 1)
包含在以前担保承诺中,该承诺中你作为共同担保人签字,如果该承诺仍旧有效,请看第1页的问题3.B iii部分。
Persons included in previous undertakings you co-signed and that are not yet in effect. (see 3.B iv) on page 1)
包含在以前担保承诺中,该承诺中你作为共同担保人签字,还未生效,请看第1页的问题3.B iv部分。
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问题10. Complete this section only if your spouse or common-law partner is co-signing the undertaking.
问题10. 如果你的配偶或同居伴侣共同签署此担保承诺,请填写此部分。
Persons included in previous undertakings your spouse or common-law partner signed as a sponsor and that are still in effect. (see 4 i) on page 1)
在以前担保承诺中,你的配偶或同居伴侣作为担保人,如果该承诺仍旧有效,请看第1页的问题 4.i 部分。
Persons included in previous undertakings your spouse or common-law partner signed as a sponsor and that are not yet in effect. (see 4 ii) on page 1)
在以前担保承诺中,你的配偶或同居伴侣作为担保人,如果该承诺还未生效,请看第1页的问题 4.ii 部分。
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Persons included in previous undertakings your spouse or common-law partner co-signed and that are still in effect. (see 4 iii) on page 1)
在以前担保承诺,由你的配偶或同居伴侣共同签署,如果该承诺仍旧有效,请看第1页的问题 4.iii 部分。
Persons included in previous undertakings your spouse or common-law partner co-signed and that are not yet in effect. (see 4 iv) on page 1)
在以前担保承诺,由你的配偶或同居伴侣共同签署,如果该承诺还未生效,请看第1页的问题 4.iv 部分。
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—— 第 3 页 ——
问题11. Your spouse or common-law partner, if they are not co-signing the undertaking.
问题12. Every other family member not listed above and dependent on you financially, whether they are living with you or not.
问题13. Your current situation 你目前的状况
Check the box below which best describes your current situation. 选择最适合你的描述。
Unemployed 无业
- Give details of your current situation and indicate how you support yourself. If you need additional space, provide details on a separate sheet of paper.
Employed 受雇就业
- You are working for an employer and are paid a salary, wages or a commission for your services.
Self-employed 自雇
- You have your own business, practice a trade or a profession and conduct activities for a profit.
问题14. Provide your employment history as well as periods of unemployment for the last THREE consecutive taxation years preceding your application. Please ensure that you do not leave any gaps in time.
- From (YYYY-MM-DD) 起始(年-月-日)
- To (YYYY-MM-DD) 终止(年-月-日)
- Present 目前
- Employer name 雇主名称
- Address 地址
- Phone no. 电话号码
- Gross income/ Benefits for period 总收入/收益
- Family size 家庭规模
问题15. Your spouse's/common-law partner's current situation 你的配偶/同居伴侣目前状况
Check the box below which best describes your spouse's/common-law partner's current situation.
Unemployed: 无业
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- Give details of your spouse's/common-law partner's current situation and indicate how they support themselves. If you need additional space, provide details on a separate sheet of paper.
Employed: 受雇就业
- Your spouse/common-law partner is working for an employer and is paid a salary, wages or a commission for their services.
Self-employed: 自雇
- Your spouse/common-law partner has their own business, practice a trade or a profession and conducts activities for a profit.
—— 第 4 页 ——
问题16. Co-signer - Statement of Consent 共同签署人 - 同意声明
By selecting "Yes" in the box below, and by signing this statement, I hereby give consent to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to collect my Social Insurance Number (SIN) for the purpose of requesting that the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) disclose my income tax information for the three consecutive years immediately preceding the date of the application in order to determine whether the sponsor meets the minimum necessary income requirements (Low-Income-Cut-Offs + 30%) to sponsor a parent or grandparent as outlined in section 133(1)(j(i)(B) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR).
通过勾选下面表格的yes选项,在声明上签字,我因此同意加拿大移民、难民及公民部收集我的社会保险号信息,以用于向加拿大税务局请求披露我提交此申请时近三年税收信息之目的。根据《移民及难民保护法》第 133(1)(j(i)(B) 之规定,并以此税务信息确定担保人是否满足担保父母或祖父母时最低必需收入要求(最低收入标准 + 30%)。
If you check "No", you must provide the information requested on the Income Sources for the Sponsorship of Parents and Grandparents (IMM 5748). 如果你勾选No,你必须提供父母和祖父母担保收入来源表 IMM 5748。
- Yes 是
- No 否
- S.I.N. 社会保险号
- Signature 签字
- Date (YYYY-MM-DD) 签署日期(年-月-日)
问题17. Provide your co-signer's employment history as well as periods of unemployment for the last THREE consecutive taxation years preceding your application. Please ensure that you do not leave any gaps in time.
EMPLOYMENT HISTORY - CO-SIGNER 就业历史 - 共同签署人(共同担保人)
- From (YYYY-MM-DD) 起始(年-月-日)
- To (YYYY-MM-DD) 终止(年-月-日)
- Present 目前
- Employer name 雇主名称
- Address 地址
- Phone no. 电话号码
- Gross income/ Benefits for period 期间总收入/收益
- Family size 家庭规模
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