
词汇定义:Canadian educational credential

canadian educational credentialphysical presence requirement特定雇主工作许可inadmissibilitywork permitvalid job offer家庭成员visa office工作许可等待期身份工签旅行教育开放式工签Labour Market Impact Assessment单次入境签证implied statusCAQ词汇的定义永久居民临时居民签证employer-specific work permitLMIALINCeducational credential

IRCC 网站 上对“Canadian educational credential”的解释如下:

Pursuant to subsection R73(1), "Canadian educational credential" means any diploma, certificate or credential, issued on the completion of a Canadian program of study or training at an educational or training institution that is recognized by the provincial authorities responsible for registering, accrediting, supervising and regulating such institutions.




时光在路上 最后编辑于:2021年6月7日

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