

大西洋大西洋振兴战略特定雇主工作许可大西洋中等技能项目省提名工作offerCELPIP提交申请支票语言考试工签ECAIELTS移民文件核对表加拿大教育证书评估被拒表格资格资金证明TEF大西洋移民试验项目大西洋国际毕业生项目Atlantic Immigration Pilot禁止入境

表格版本:IMM 5457 (03-2022) E
加拿大移民部(IRCC)最新版下载地址:IMM 5457e.pdf(在打开后的页面使用鼠标右键选择“另存为”,保存到本地)










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You can use this document checklist for reference only. IRCC is no longer accepting AIPP applications

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本文档清单仅供参考。IRCC 不再接受 AIPP 申请

You must print this document, complete it and include it in your application as the cover page.


Gather your documents in the order of the checklist and check each item. Attach small items such as photos and certified cheques with a paper clip, otherwise leave documents unbound. Place all documents in a sealed envelope. If your documents are not in English or French, you must include the English or French translation with a certified copy of the original document, and an affidavit from the person who completed the translation (if the translation is not provided by a member in good standing of a provincial or territorial organization of translators and interpreters in Canada). Do not send any additional documents when submitting your application to the CIO.


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Note: If your application lacks any of the documents listed in this checklist, it will be returned to you. If you are unable to provide any of the requested documentation, please include with your application, a written explanation with full details as to why that documentation is unavailable and any documentation that would support your claim. Failure to provide supporting documents in certain circumstances may result in the refusal of your application.


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FORMS / 表格


Do not submit originals unless otherwise stated as the documents you submit will not be returned. You must keep a copy of the completed forms and all documents before sending them to the CIO.不要提交文件原件,否则文件将不会退回。在提交给CIO之前,你必须保留完整的表格和所有文件副本。



Generic Application Form to Canada (IMM 0008) / 普通加拿大申请表
Completed and signed by the principal applicant. / 主申请人完成并签字



Schedule A: Background/Declaration (IMM 5669) / 背景-声明表

Completed, dated and signed by everyone in the following list: /  下列人士必须填写、签字、签署日期

  • the principal applicant / 主申请人
  • spouse or common-law partner (whether they are accompanying or not) / 配偶或同居伴侣(无论其是否与主申请人到加拿大)
  • each dependent child over the age of 18 years (whether they are accompanying or not) / 每位年满18岁的子女(无论其是否与主申请人到加拿大)


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Provide your detailed personal history from the last 10 years or since the age of 18, if you are less than 28 years of age. Do not leave any sections blank, or gaps in time. You must write "n/a" in any sections that are not applicable to your situation. Include all:

  • jobs, 工作,
  • periods of unemployment, 无业时间段,
  • study, 学习,
  • vacations, or 假期,或
  • being a homemaker. 在家作家庭主妇。

Do not use abbreviations. Do not use general words such as "employee", "working", "manager." Specify your activity such as retail salesperson, architect, financial manager, etc.

Note: If this section is not accurately completed, it will cause delays in the processing of your application.注意:如果此部分不准确,将会耽搁你的申请。


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Offer of Employment to a Foreign National - Atlantic Immigration Program (IMM 5650)外籍人士聘用信 —— 大西洋移民项目(IMM 5650)

You must have a job offer for an occupation at skill type 0, or skill levels A or B of the National Occupation Classification (NOC) matrix.

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Your designated employer should complete this form and provide you with a copy.


You must read the declarations, sign the copy and submit it with your application package. 你必须阅读声明、在表上签字,随申请一起提交此表。



Economic Classes- Atlantic Immigration Programs (IMM 5501) 经济类 —— 大西洋移民项目(IMM 5501)

Completed and signed by the principal applicant. 主申请人填写并签字

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Additional Dependants/Declaration (IMM 0008DEP) (if applicable) 额外家眷-声明表(如果适用)

Completed, dated and signed by the principal applicant if the applicant has more than five dependants (whether they are accompanying or not). 
主申请人填写、签字、签署日期(如果主申请人有 多于5个子女,无论其是否与主申请人到加拿大)



Supplementary Information - Your Travels (IMM 5562) 补充信息 —— 你的旅行信息(IMM 5562)

Completed by the principal applicant. 主申请人填写



Additional Family Information (IMM 5406) 额外家庭信息

Completed, dated and signed by everyone in the following list: 下列人士填写、签字并签署日期:

  • the principal applicant 主申请人
  • spouse or common-law partner (whether they are accompanying or not)
  • each dependent child over the age of 18 years (whether they are accompanying or not) 每位年满18岁的子女(无论其是否与主申请人到加拿大)


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Use of a Representative (IMM 5476) 代理人信息表

Complete, date, sign and include this form in your application if you have a paid or unpaid representative.如果你有付费或非付费代理人,填写此表并签字、签署日期。






Do not submit originals unless otherwise stated as the documents you submit will not be returned. You must keep a copy of the completed forms and all documents before sending them to the CIO. 不要提交文件原件,否则文件将不会退回。在提交给CIO之前,你必须保留完整的表格和所有文件副本。



Travel documents and passports 旅行文件和护照

Copy of the pages of your passport or travel documents for you, your spouse or common-law partner and your dependent children, showing:

  • the passport number, 护照编号,
  • date of issue and expiry, 签发和过期日期,
  • the photo, name, date and place of birth, 照片、姓名、出生日期和出生地
  • pages showing any amendments in name, date of birth, expiration, etc. 任何修改过的姓名、出生日期、过期日期等。


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You must hold a valid regular passport. Diplomatic, official, service or public affairs passports are not valid for immigration to Canada.

If you live in a country other than your country of nationality, include a photocopy of your visa for the country in which you are currently living.



Confirmation of Provincial Endorsement 省府支持确认函

Submit the Endorsement letter from the Atlantic province that has endorsed you. 提交大西洋省份省府支持信

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Proof of Language Proficiency  语言熟练程度证明

Submit results of your language proficiency test that shows you meet a minimum of level 4 of the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) or Niveaux de competence linguistique canadien (NCLC) for listening, speaking, reading and writing. Your test results must not be more than two years old on the date your application is received.
提交语言熟练程度考试结果原件,证明你在听、 说、读、写方面满足加拿大语言水平最低要求 CLB 4 或 NCLC 4。提交申请时,该考试成绩必须在两年之内。



Proof of Education 教育证明

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You must provide proof that you have obtained a minimum of a high school diploma. If your diploma, certificate or degree was not issued in Canada, you must also provide an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA).




Proof of previous relevant work experience (letter of employment, paystubs, etc)

You must show that you have at least 12 months of authorized, full-time (or part-time equivalent) work experience within the 36 months before your application is received. You must show that you performed: 你必须证明在官方收到申请的最近36个月内自己有至少12个月、经授权的全职(或等量兼职)工作经验。你必须证明:

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  • - the activities identified in the lead statement of the National Occupational Classification (NOC) description; and 工作经历与NOC中的主要描述一致
  • - a substantial number of the main duties, including all of the essential duties listed in the NOC description  主要职责与NOC中列出的描述基本一致

For the Atlantic High-Skilled program, your work experience must be at Skill Type 0 or level A or B of the NOC matrix.


Submit the documents below: 提交以下文件:

  • Copy of your most recent work permit in Canada (if applicable) 最近在加拿大的工作工签副本(如果适用)
  • Employer reference letters for the periods of work experience identified in your application. The letters must include: 申请中所确认的工作经验中雇主推荐信。该信函必须包括:
    • - specific period of your employment (to/from dates)详细的聘用时间(起止日期)
    • - description of your main responsibilities and duties 主要职责描述
    • - the corresponding NOC code (if known) 职位对应的NOC代码(如果知道)
    • - your total annual salary and benefits -你的年薪和福利
    • - the number of hours you worked per week  — 每周工作小时数
    • - your employer's name, signature, full address, telephone number and email address (if applicable) 雇主姓名、签字、详细地址、电话号码和电邮地址(如果适用)
  • Copies of your T4 tax information slips and your Notice of Assessment (if applicable)税务信息表T4以及加拿大税务局给你的税单(如果适用)
  • Work contracts 工作合同
  • Pay stubs 工资单



Proof of funds 资金证明

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Submit proof that you have sufficient funds that are transferable and available for settlement in Canada. The funds must be your own and should not be borrowed from another person. The amount of money you need is set by the size of your family and is 12.5% of the Low Income Cut Offs (LICO). For more information, see the instruction guide.
提交资金证明文件,以证明你有足够的可转账、 可用的用来在加拿大安家的资金。该资金必须属于你并且不应是向他人所借。所需资金数额与家庭规模有关,为最低收入的12.5%。更多信息可以参考申请指南


Examples of items you can submit as proof of funds include: 所包含的资金证明文件举例:

  • current bank statement or certification letter 当前银行对账单或证明函
  • evidence of savings balance 活期存款证明
  • deposit statements 定期存款证明

Note: You are not required to provide proof of funds if you are already working in Canada with a valid work permit.注:如果你已在加拿大工作,不要求提供资金证明。



If you are applying from inside Canada: 如果你从加拿大境内申请:

Submit proof that you have valid temporary resident status. Your status must be valid on the day you submit your application. 提交有效的临时居民身份证明。在提交申请时,你的身份必须有效。

Below are examples of documents you may submit:可以提交的文件举例:

  • photocopies of passport pages clearly showing the stamp made by Canadian authorities on your most recent entry to Canada 清晰的护照页复印件,显示最近一次入境时加拿大权力部门的盖章
  • photocopy of your current immigration document (if you have one)当前移民文件的复印件(如果有的话)

For more information, see the instruction guide (IMM 5424). 更多信息,参考申请指南 IMM 5424。



Identity and Civil Status Documents 身份证明和婚姻状况证明文件

You must provide the following documents for you and your spouse or common-law partner: 你和配偶/同居伴侣 必须提交下列文件:

  • Birth certificates 出生证明
  • Legal documents showing name or date of birth changes (if applicable) 
  • Marriage certificate(s), final divorce or annulment certificate(s). If married more than once, include certificates from each marriage and divorce or annulment you, your spouse or common-law partner have had
    结婚证,离婚或无效婚姻证明。如果多次结婚,提供每次 你与配偶或同居伴侣结婚时的结婚证、离婚、废除婚姻证明。
  • Death certificate for former spouse(s) or common-law partner(s) (if applicable)
    前配偶或 同居伴侣的死亡证明(如果适用)
  • National IDs, family/household registry/book (if applicable)
  • If you have a common-law partner, complete and include the Statutory Declaration of Common-Law Union (IMM 5409 – original) and provide evidence that you have cohabitated with your partner for a period of at least 12 continuous months. Provide the following documents listing both your names, for example: 如果你有同居伴侣,填写并提供同居伴侣共同法定声明(IMM5409)原件,并且提供与同居伴侣一起居住时间超过12个连续月的证明。提供下列所列出的文件,包括你们两人的姓名,例如:
    • - copies of joint bank account statements,联合银行存款帐户对账单副本
    • - copies of leases, 租房合同副本
    • - utility bills, etc. 水电费账单副本


Copies, unless otherwise stated 
17Children's Information (if applicable) 儿童信息(如果适用)

  • Children's birth certificates (which name their parents) 儿童出生证明(父母姓名)
  • Adoption papers issued by recognized national authorities showing the legal, approved adoption of adopted dependent children
  • Proof of full custody for children under the age of 18 and proof that the children may be removed from the jurisdiction of the court;
  • If the other parent of your children is not accompanying you to Canada, you must submit a signed Statutory Declaration from Non-Accompanying Parent/Guardian for Minors Immigrating to Canada (IMM 5604 - original). You must submit one form for each child and a copy of the non-accompanying parent's photo ID showing their signature;
    如果你子女的父/母没有与该子女到加拿大,你必须提交经其签字的 未同行父母/监护人关于未能年子女移民加拿大的声明 (IMM 5604)原件。你必须为每位子女提交一份表格和该父/母的带照片的并且经其签字的身份证明副本。


Copies, unless otherwise stated 
18Police Certificates and Clearances警方证明和清白证明

You must get a police certificate from each country or territory where you have lived for six or more months in a row since the age of 18. You are strongly encouraged to submit your police certificates with your application to the CIO. If you are unable to obtain all the necessary police certificates, you may still send your application to the CIO without them. However, we strongly recommend that you take steps to obtain your police certificates now to avoid future delays. You must be ready to submit them when requested by an officer.


Note: Police certificates are generally considered to be valid for one year from date of issue; therefore depending on the processing time of your application, you may be requested to submit new certificates.
注: 警方证明通常有效期为一年;因此,根据你的申请处理时间,你可能会被要求提交新的证明。


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19Photo Requirements 照片要求

Include two (2) photos for each member of your family, whether accompanying or not, and yourself. Follow the instructions provided in the guide in Appendix A: Photo Specifications. Photos must have been taken within six (6) months before application submission.


On the back of one (1) of the photographs, write the name and date of birth of the person who appears in the photo as well as the date the photo was taken. Leave the other photograph blank.其中一张照片背面写上自己的姓名出生日期和拍摄日期。其他照片留空。


20Fees 费用

Copy of the receipt showing the amount paid. See "Step 3. Pay the fees" for more information.已支付费用的收据。参考指南中“步骤3:支付费用”。



Mail to the CIO in Sydney, Nova Scotia: 邮寄申请到新斯科舍省Sydney申请集中接收中心

  • this document checklist 此文件核对表
  • your complete application 完整的申请
  • supporting documents required in this checklist, and 核对表中所要求的支持文件
  • include 2 self-addressed mailing labels: 两张写有自己邮寄地址的标签:
    • - one in English or French, and 一个用英语或法语,
    • - one in the official language of your country of residence. 另一个用你所居住国家的官方语言


Please see "Step 4, Mail the application" section of the instruction guide for the CIO address and specific instructions for mailing your application.



  • Original(s): 原件
  • Copy/Copies: 副本
  • Copies, unless otherwise stated: 副本,除非另作说明

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