



The current Elections Act was amended considerably in the wake of the sponsorship scandal, which tarnished the governing Liberals in the mid-2000s.

加拿大现行选举法在赞助丑闻爆发后被大幅度的修改。2004 年 2 月,加拿大总审计长的报告揭出赞助丑闻,当时执政的自由党深受困扰。


Today, the financing of political parties comes from two sources: individual contributions and public funding. Two series of amendments have tightened rules for private funding. The first, which stemmed from Bill C-24, came into force in 2004 under Jean Chrétien’s Liberal government. Other provisions were adopted by Stephen Harper’s Conservative government and came into effect in 2007 and 2008.

政治党派的经费目前有两个来源:个人捐款和国家财政拨款。两次对选举法的修改都对个人捐款收紧了限制。一次是 2004 年克雷蒂安领导的自由党政府通过的 C-24 法案,另一次是 2007 年和 2008 年哈珀领导的保守党政府作出的修改。


Under these laws, Canada prohibits contributions from corporations, unions and other associations, unlike most provinces and territories in Canada. Individual contributions are also subject to a limit, which is regularly adjusted for inflation.

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Although funding from corporations and unions was stopped, direct public funding of political parties was increased.

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Individual Contributions 个人捐款

In 2012, individuals could donate within these limits: 根据2012年1月开始实行的标准,个人向联邦政党的捐款上限为:

  1. Up to $1,200 in total a year to a particular registered party / 向每个正式注册的政党的全国决策机关捐款一年不得超过 1200 加元;
  2. Up to $1,200 in total a year to the registered associations, nomination contestants and candidates of a particular registered party / 向每个正式注册的政党的选区协会和候选人的捐款总数一年不得超过 1200 加元;
  3. Up to $1,200 in total to each independent candidate in an election / 向每个参加大选的独立候选人的捐款一年不得超过 1200 加元;
  4. Up to $1,200 in total to the contestants in a particular leadership contest / 向角逐一个党的领导人职位的全体候选人的捐款一次不得超过 1200 加元。


在此之前的向联邦政党捐款的个人上限为 1100 加元。

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Foreign donations are prohibited, but anonymous donations are permitted provided they are $20 or under.

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政党不得接受来自国外的捐款。个人可以匿名捐款,但金额不得超过 20 加元。


The Federal Accountability Act prohibits anyone from accepting a gift or other advantage after becoming a candidate in an election. Under the Act, “gift” encompasses sums of money as well as goods and services provided without charge or at less than their commercial value.



Public Funding 国家财政拨款

Political parties receive an annual allowance. It is based on the number of votes obtained in the previous election and is spread over four quarters. The allowance is regularly adjusted for inflation. In 2011, the indexed allowance amounted to $2 per vote obtained. To be eligible, a party must have obtained at least 2% of valid votes cast nationally, or at least 5% of valid votes cast in the ridings where it ran a candidate.

如果一个政党在全国范围内获得 2% 的选票,或者在有候选人参选的选区获得 5% 的选票,就可以领取国家政党津贴。这笔津贴按季度发放,根据上一次大选该党获得的选票计算,并定期根据通货膨胀率进行调整。2011 年,选民投给一个政党的每张选票可使该党获得 2 加元的津贴。


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Candidates and political parties also have part of their election expenses reimbursed provided they obtained a certain percentage of votes. The percentages set for the parties are the same as those for allowances.



A tax credit is also provided for contributions made to a candidate or political party (considered indirect public funding).

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Other Provisions 其他规定

Election expenses of candidates and parties are subject to separate limits based on the number of electors registered.



Any donation of $200 or more must be divulged.

200 加元以上的捐款必须公开。


Finally, candidates, riding associations and political parties must all file financial reports.


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