



1-saga-of-canada-s-constitutionIn 1981, Canada reached a milestone in its political history: the House of Commons and Senate issued a joint statement to Queen Elizabeth II requesting the patriation of the Constitution of Canada. This move, which was both symbolic and political, enabled Canada to achieve full independence from the British monarchy after a political and legal saga lasting 115 years, whose impact is still felt strongly today on the political scene. Over the years, the unresolved matter of the Constitution has become the arena for an eternal battle between the forces of diversity and unity that Canadian society revolves around. Let’s explore the reasons why.

1981 年是加拿大政治史上非常重要的一页:加拿大众参两院通过了一项联合声明,向英国女王伊丽莎白二世提出收回加拿大宪法的要求。这个行动是象征性的,也是政治性的。它使加拿大从英国获得完全的独立,结束了历时 115 年的政治和法律纷争。这一段历史对加拿大政治生活的影响延续至今。没有完全解决的“宪法问题”如同一个竞技场,各派力量在这里进行的较量成为加拿大社会的一个重心。


What is a constitution? 什么是宪法?

By definition, a constitution is a nation’s political and legal foundation. Our Constitution states the principles and common goals our society aspires to and also sets rules establishing and guiding relations between our nation and its governments. It defines our main political and legal institutions (House of Commons, Senate, Supreme Court, provincial legislatures) and explains how they function. It indicates how laws are passed and enforced, how power is shared between the federal and provincial governments and how courts and political institutions are accountable to Canadians. In addition, many laws with a constitutional dimension (like the Official Languages Act) help our nation as a whole to evolve.



Key constitutional moments 加拿大宪法的发展脉络

Before 1982 (the year our Constitution was officially patriated), Canada’s constitutional principles were contained in the British North America Act (BNA Act), which the British Parliament passed in 1867 to unite the British colonies in North America in a single entity. Although drawn up by the Fathers of Confederation, this constitutional document didn’t allow Canadians to amend its content. Only the British Parliament was permitted to do so because the Fathers couldn’t agree on a way to amend the Act of 1867. As the years went by, Canadians wished to have more control over their destiny as a nation and no longer wanted to go through London to amend and manage the framework for their own laws and policy.

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2-saga-of-canada-s-constitutionThe history of the Canadian Constitution actually began in 1864 in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Delegates from P.E.I., New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and the Province of Canada (Quebec and Ontario) proposed, on Sir John A. Macdonald’s initiative, to unite the British colonies of North America within a federation. In other words, the colonies would be grouped together and overseen by a central government that could manage their common interests like borders, defence, transportation routes and currency.

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加拿大宪法的历史 1864 年在爱德华王子岛首府夏洛特敦发端。来自新不伦瑞克,新斯科舍,联合加拿大(由魁北克和安大略组成,亦称加拿大省)及当地的代表,在麦克唐纳的倡议下,提出联合北美英属殖民地,建立联邦的设想。这个联邦将设立一个中央政府来处理边境,国防,通讯和货币等共同事务。


At a second meeting held soon after in Quebec City, the delegates adopted the 72 resolutions making up the British North America Act. In 1866, delegates from the Province of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick travelled to London to draw up the official version of the British North America Act, which would establish Canadian Confederation.

不久后在魁北克城召开的会议上,与会代表通过了构成《英属北美法案》的 72 项决议。1866 年,加拿大省,新斯科舍和新不伦瑞克的代表前往英国伦敦,起草《英属北美法案》的正式文本。该法案于次年生效,加拿大联邦建立。


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British North America Act《英属北美法案》

3-saga-of-canada-s-constitutionIn 1867, the British Parliament granted the request of its North American colonies and passed the British North America Act. The foundations were laid for the Canada we know today. The Act united the colonies of the Province of Canada (Quebec and Ontario), New Brunswick and Nova Scotia within a federation. At the same time, the Act gave the “dominion” a federal government and provided the colonies with separate provincial legislatures (shared jurisdictions and powers). The Fathers of Confederation first chose the name the “Kingdom of Canada,” but because British officials objected, they opted instead for the Norman term “dominion,” which appears in Psalm 72 of the Bible (“He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth”).

1867 年,英国议会接受了其北美殖民地的要求,通过了《英属北美法案》。根据该法案,联合加拿大(魁北克和安大略),新不伦瑞克和新斯科舍建立联邦,加拿大现代国家的基础由此奠定。新生的加拿大联邦仍然属于英联邦的自治领,但是拥有一个联邦政府。各省拥有省议会,和联邦政府分享权力和管辖范围。“邦联之父”们一开始把国名定为“加拿大王国”,但考虑到英国的反对,他们最终选择了“自治领”(”dominion”), 语出《圣经》诗篇 72 篇第 8 节:“他要执掌权柄,从这海直到那海,从大河直到地极。”

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London, however, reserved the exclusive right to amend the terms of the Act. As for the provinces, they obtained the right to amend their own constitutional framework, except for the responsibilities of the lieutenant governor. The Act was the fourth constitution for the North American colonies after the Quebec Act (1774), the Constitutional Act (1791) and the Act of Union (1840).



Why Unite? 为什么以这种方式联合?

4-saga-of-canada-s-constitutionIn truth, the colonies united to guard against the threats they posed to one another. In a federated system, the French-speaking Catholic colony of Lower Canada (Quebec) was protected from the English-speaking Protestant majority, which had been a threat to its culture, language, civil law system, religion and education system. This protection came about because the federated system gave participating colonies a legislature (parliament) and recognized their differences.



These were the same reasons prompting English-speaking Protestants from Upper Canada (Ontario) to join the federation. They feared, contrary to Lower Canada, that French speakers would dominate their political and social institutions. As for the Atlantic colonies, they were afraid of being absorbed by the Province of Canada (Quebec and Ontario), a region foreign to them. Furthermore, for London and colonial authorities, this union provided good protection from the economic attraction of the United States and the Americans’ expansionist designs on Canada.

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In the years following Canadian Confederation, several more colonies joined the ranks of Canada. In 1870, Canada’s Parliament created the province of Manitoba. In 1871, British Columbia came aboard with the promise it would soon be linked by railway to the rest of the country. Two years later, in 1873, it was Prince Edward Island’s turn to join Canada. In 1875, Parliament passed the Northwest Territories Act. In 1880, London transferred its Arctic possessions to Canada. Yukon became an autonomous territory in 1898, and the provinces of Saskatchewan and Alberta were created by Parliament in 1905. Finally, Newfoundland was added in 1949.

在加拿大联邦建立后的年代里,又有别的殖民地加入进来。1870 年,加拿大议会设立了曼尼托巴省。1871 年,卑诗省成为加拿大联邦的一员,并承诺尽快修建和其他省份相连的铁路。两年后的 1873 年,爱德华王子岛成为新的加拿大省份。1875 年, 议会通过关于西北地区的法律。1880 年,加拿大从英国手中获得北极地区的所有权。育空在 1898 年成为自治地区,萨斯喀彻温省和阿尔伯塔省在 1905 年设立,纽芬兰在 1949 年最后一个加入联邦,完成了今天的加拿大版图。

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Balfour Declaration《巴尔福尔宣言》

5-saga-of-canada-s-constitutionIn the years before the First World War, Canada grew in stature as a nation and took its place on the world stage by creating a department of external affairs, by refusing to take part in the colonial wars occupying the British Empire and, above all, by joining the League of Nations and the International Labour Organization in 1919.

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在第一次世界大战爆发前的那些年里,加拿大的国家意识越来越强。加拿大联邦设立了自己的外交部,拒绝参加大英帝国的殖民战争,开始在国际舞台上发出自己的声音。1919 年,加拿大成为国际联盟和国际劳工组织的一员。


In 1926, the members of the Imperial Conference of the British Empire adopted the Balfour Declaration, which granted autonomy to the British dominions (Canada, Newfoundland, Australia, South Africa, Ireland and New Zealand) and abolished any subordination to Great Britain.

1926 年,帝国大会的与会者通过了《巴尔福尔宣言》。这份宣言宣布英国自治领(加拿大,纽芬兰,澳大利亚,南非,爱尔兰和新西兰)从此独立,废除和大不列颠的从属关系。


Encouraged by this recognition, Canada’s Parliament resolved in 1927, at the instigation of Justice Minister Ernest Lapointe, to patriate the Constitution so that it could be amended without London’s consent. So began a long political and legal dispute that would drag on for 55 years before Ottawa and the provinces (except Quebec) finally agreed on an acceptable formula for patriating and amending the Constitution.

获得独立后的第二年(1927年),加拿大议会在当时的司法部长拉普安特的提议下通过了从英国议会收回宪法修改权的决议,从此开始了一场漫长的政治法律争端。直到 55 年后,联邦政府和除魁北克以外的省政府才就收回和修改宪法的程序达成一致。


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Statute of  Westminster 《威斯特敏斯特法令》

6-saga-of-canada-s-constitutionOn December 11, 1931, the Statue of Westminster officially granted independence to the dominions. London gave its dominions powers over their constitution and the amendment of British laws that once governed them. But in Canada, after the failure of a second federal-provincial conference on developing an amending formula, the government of Canada requested that its constitution be exempt from the statute and that London reserve the power to make amendments pending an agreement. In 1935, a third conference came to naught. Provincial and federal officials were still unable to reach an agreement. This impasse would last a very long time.

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1931 年 12 月 11 日,英国议会通过了《威斯特敏斯特法令》,把修改宪法和修改在前殖民地实行的英国法律的权力正式交还给各英联邦自治领。但是在加拿大,联邦政府和各省的第二次修宪会议没有达成协议。加拿大因此请求英国议会破例暂时保留修宪权力。1935 年,第三次修宪会议召开,但是联邦政府和各省的代表各执己见,会议仍然以失败告终。


In 1949, Canada’s Parliament carried out a partial patriation of the British North America Act. This enabled amendments to the Canadian Constitution on domestic matters, but maintained London’s control over fundamental changes. In addition, the Supreme Court of Canada became the highest court in the land and was declared fit to rule on constitutional disputes in Canada in lieu of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council.

1949 年,加拿大议会部分收回《英属北美法案》,从此开始有权修改涉及具体内部问题的宪法条款,根本性的修改仍然由英国议会负责。另外,加拿大最高法院成为加拿大最高司法机关,有权代替英国枢密院司法委员会在加拿大本土处理宪法诉讼。


Repeated failures 再努力,再失败

7-saga-of-canada-s-constitutionFrom 1960 to 1978, Canada held several constitutional conferences and made various attempts to agree on a patriation process and an amending formula—but to no avail. The Fulton-Favreau Formula, for example, was suggested in 1961. In 1968, the Constitution underwent a full review that led to the Victoria Formula. This complex amending proposal required the consent of any province containing or having contained a quarter or more of Canada’s population, in addition to the consent of at least two Atlantic provinces and at least two Western provinces containing half or more of the total Western population. The proposal also included language rights and guarantees inherent to the Supreme Court in the Constitution.

从 1960 年到 1978 年,为了确立收回宪法的程序和宪法修改模式,加拿大进行过一系列各种尝试和会晤,但都以失败告终。1961 年提出的“富尔顿-法弗洛模式”没有被接受。1968 年进行的宪法全面审核催生了“维多利亚模式”。这个修订模式需要得到所有现在或过去人口占全国总人口 25% 的省份,至少两个大西洋省份和至少两个西部省份的同意。其中两个西部省份的人口加起来必须占西部总人口的至少一半。“维多利亚模式”的建议还把双语政策和最高法院的设立、权限等保障纳入宪法。


In 1971, the prime minister and premiers brought these proposals together in a draft constitutional charter (Victoria Charter), which they submitted for approval to all the provincial legislatures. In Quebec, the Victoria Charter met with strong resistance, and Premier Robert Bourassa refused to recommend to Quebecers a charter he considered detrimental to Quebec. In 1976, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau condemned this position and threatened to proceed with the unilateral patriation of the Canadian Constitution. The same year, the Parti québécois took power in Quebec.

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1971 年,各省总理和联邦政府根据上述建议起草了《维多利亚宪章》,提交各省议会审核。在魁北克省,这份宪章遭到强烈反对。当时的省总理布拉萨也认为它对本省不利,因而拒绝以总理的身份向魁北克人推荐它。1976 年,加拿大联邦总理特鲁多谴责布拉萨的立场,并威胁单方面开始收回宪法的程序。同年魁北克党在魁北克省选中获胜。


In 1979, the Pépin-Robarts Commission tabled a report with 75 recommendations to resolve the constitutional impasse. The commission proposed asymmetrical federalism, which would grant the provinces further powers, notably on language rights. But Ottawa rejected this option and permanently shelved the Pépin-Robarts Report.

1979 年,佩潘-罗巴茨委员会提交了一份研究报告,其中包含 75 条关于加拿大如何走出宪法僵局的建议。委员会提出“不对等联邦主义”的设想,在语言等问题上给予省政府更大的权力。但是联邦政府拒绝了这个设想,把佩潘-罗巴茨报告束之高阁。


The mater of Quebec 魁北克问题

8-saga-of-canada-s-constitutionIn 1980, the Parti québécois, frustrated by the constitutional impasse and the flat-out rejections of its demands for cultural and political recognition, proposed independence to Quebecers. This bid for succession coupled with sovereignty-association was voted on by the Quebec people during a particularly harrowing referendum.

魁北克党对宪法谈判陷于僵局、自己的政治和文化诉求得不到回应越来越感到不满。在这种情况下,魁北克党提出独立设想,并在 1980 年举行全民公投。这使魁北克人分成旗鼓相当的统独两派。


On the eve of the referendum, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau delivered a rousing speech vowing to renew federalism in-depth if Quebecers chose to remain within Canada.


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His call was apparently heard and 59.1% of Quebecers rejected the sovereignist option. Saddened by this bitter defeat, Premier René Lévesque addressed thousands of sovereignists at the Paul Sauvé Arena and uttered these famous words: “If I understand right, you’re telling me, ‘Until next time!’ ”

他的呼吁起到了作用。全民公投的结果是 59.1% 的魁北克人摒弃独立。为这次失败感到痛心的魁北克省总理雷维克在公投之夜宣布:“如果我没有弄错的话,你们正在对我说的是:后会有期…”这句话被魁北克独立派人士传颂至今。


Patriation of the constitution 收回宪法

9-saga-of-canada-s-constitutionIn 1980, faced with the ongoing constitutional impasse, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau tabled a resolution in the House of Commons pertaining to a joint address by the Senate and the House of Commons to Queen Elizabeth II with the aim of unilaterally patriating the Canadian Constitution with a Charter of Rights and Freedoms enshrined in it.

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1980 年,鉴于宪法争端久拖未决,联邦总理特鲁多向众议院提交了一份决议草案,这份草案以参众两院的名义向英国女王伊丽莎白二世提出由联邦政府单方面收回宪法,并在宪法中加上《权利与自由宪章》。


In April 1981, the provinces, except for Ontario and New Brunswick, signed an agreement between them on a patriation process and amending formula (Vancouver Formula) to offset Ottawa’s plans to act alone in patriating the Constitution. On April 28, Manitoba, Quebec and Newfoundland went before the Supreme Court to contest Ottawa’s unilateral patriation of the Constitution. In September that year, the Supreme Court held, in a 7-2 ruling, that Ottawa’s plans ran contrary to constitutional conventions requiring the provinces’ consent for any change to their powers.

次年 4 月份,除安大略和新不伦瑞克以外的加拿大省份签署一项协议,就宪法收回程序和修改模式(被命名为“温哥华模式”)达成一致,抗衡联邦政府的单独收回宪法的意图。4 月 28 日,曼尼托巴、魁北克和纽芬兰三个省份向加拿大最高法院就联邦单边收回宪法计划提出起诉。同年9月,最高法院的九名大法官以7票赞成 2 票反对的投票结果裁定联邦政府单边收回宪法的计划违反了和省政府的有关协议。根据协议,对两级政府权力的任何更动都必须经省级政府同意。


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“One Last Time” conference 最后一搏

10-saga-of-canada-s-constitutionBefore proceeding unilaterally to patriate the Constitution, Ottawa organized a “one last time” constitutional conference as a final attempt to win the support of a majority of provinces for its patriation plan. During the night of November 4-5, nine provinces agreed in the Quebec delegation’s absence to a constitutional proposal and an amending formula. The unified front of eight provinces against Ottawa was shattered.

在开始单边收回宪法以前,联邦政府召开了一次被称作“最后的机会”的宪法会议,为争取大部分省份的支持做最后一搏。1981 年 11 月 4 日到 5 日夜间,在魁北克省代表团不在场的情况下,其他九省就宪法收回和修改模式达成了协议。原先的抗衡联邦政府的八省联合阵线分崩离析。这一夜后来被称作“长刀之夜”。


René Lévesque learned the next morning that an agreement had been signed without him. This move isolated Quebec and soured relations between Quebec City and Ottawa. The agreement reached during what is sometimes called the “night of the long knives” borrowed heavily from the Vancouver Formula, but dropped the provinces’ right to financial compensation if they opted out of a constitutional amendment.


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Proclamation of The Constitution Act  加拿大宪法的颁布

11-saga-of-canada-s-constitutionOn April 17, 1982, the Constitution Act (rejected by Quebec) was signed into law by Queen Elizabeth II in an official ceremony in Ottawa. The Constitution of Canada would include, in addition to the Act of 1867, a Charter of Rights and Freedoms and an amending formula.

1982 年 4 月 17 日,加拿大宪法由伊丽莎白二世在首都渥太华正式颁布。魁北克省拒绝承认这部宪法。新宪法包括 1867 年的《英属北美法案》,《加拿大权利与自由宪章》和一份修改模式。


The amending formula states that most constitutional changes require approval of two-thirds of the provinces whose citizens represent half or more of Canada’s total population. Approval by all provinces is nevertheless needed for amendments on representation in the House of Commons, official languages, the Supreme Court and the amending formula for the Constitution.

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根据宪法修改模式,大部分宪法条款的修改需要获得三分之二省份的认可,这些省份的人口相加应至少占总人口的 50%。但是对于涉及众议院成员,官方语言,最高法院和宪法修改模式的条款,则需要所有省份一致同意才能进行修改。


Meech Lake Accord 《密奇湖协议》

12-saga-of-canada-s-constitutionAfter the Conservatives took power in Ottawa in 1984, Prime Minister Brian Mulroney gave a historic speech in Sept-Îles promising to reach an agreement that would bring Quebec into the Constitution Act of 1982 with “honour and dignity.” Quebec, which was sympathetic to the Conservatives, laid out five conditions for supporting the Constitution Act, including recognition of a distinct status for the province within Confederation.

1984 年保守党上台执政后不久,联邦总理马尔罗尼在魁北克省七岛市发表了一次历史性的讲话。他在讲话中承诺将寻求和魁北克省达成协议,让魁北克人在满怀尊敬和热情中回归 1982 年宪法。魁北克省对保守党政府作出了积极的回应,提出了加入宪法的五项条件,其中包括承认魁北克省在联邦内的独特性。


On April 30, 1987, the prime minister and premiers accepted these conditions. The same year, the broad terms of the Meech Lake Accord were adopted in Ottawa after long hours of debate. However, the accord still needed to be ratified (approved by majority vote) by all the provincial legislatures and the House of Commons within three years.

1987 年 4 月 30 日,各省总理和联邦总理接受了魁北克省的条件。它们被写进《密奇湖协议》。但是该协议需要在三年内获得众议院和所有省议会的批准才能正式生效。


Quebec’s conditions for endorsing the Constitution Act of 1982 were(魁北克省对回归1982年宪法提出的条件是):

  1. Recognizing Quebec as a distinct society - 承认魁北克社会的独特性;
  2. Increasing Quebec’s powers over immigration - 保证魁北克省在移民事务上发挥逐渐增大的作用; 
  3. Giving Quebec some input in appointing Supreme Court judges - 参与任命加拿大最高法院法官;
  4. Limiting federal spending power - 限制联邦政府在经费开支上的权力;
  5. Recognizing Quebec’s right to veto on constitutional changes - 承认魁北克省在宪法修改上的否决权。


13-saga-of-canada-s-constitutionDuring the three years, support for Meech from English-speaking provinces steadily eroded. Manitoba was the first to object to the accord after the Quebec government invoked the notwithstanding clause to uphold Bill 178 on outdoor signs. Next came Newfoundland when Clyde Wells, its Liberal premier, objected to Meech along the same lines. Both refused to hold the free vote scheduled in their legislatures on the accord.

在这三年中,英语省份对《密奇湖协议》的支持日益减弱。在魁北克省诉诸宪法“无碍条款”以保留该省关于商家招牌语言的 178 号法案之后,曼尼托巴省第一个否决了《密奇湖协议》。接下来,纽芬兰省省总理威尔斯取消了省议会对协议的投票。


In May 1990, a band of Quebec MPs led by Lucien Bouchard walked away from the Conservative Party. They would later form the Bloc québécois. On June 22, 1990, the three-year deadline expired, killing the Meech Lake Accord for good. Robert Bourassa announced he would no longer negotiate with the other premiers and would await a valid offer from Ottawa before reopening constitutional talks.

1990 年,布沙尔等一些来自魁北克省的联邦议员退出保守党,随后建立了魁北克党团。1990 年 6 月 22 日三年期满,《密奇湖协议》彻底破产。魁北克省总理布拉萨宣布,他不再寻求 11 个政府(联邦政府加上十个省政府)的共同协议,在联邦政府拿出可行建议之前,魁北克省将搁置宪法议题。


Bélanger-Campeau Commision 贝朗热-康博委员会

14-saga-of-canada-s-constitutionOn September 4, 1990, Quebec set up the Bélanger-Campeau Commission on the province’s constitutional future. Its 36 members attended five months of public hearings on the matter. They received over 600 submissions, most of them advocating the outright sovereignty (secession) of Quebec. On March 27, 1991, the commission issued its report.

1990 年 9 月 4 日,魁北克省成立了研究本省未来宪法地位的贝朗热-康博委员会。该委员会有 36 名成员,举行了五个月的公开听证会,收到了 600 多份论文。大部分论文的作者主张魁北克完全脱离加拿大联邦。1991 年 3 月 27 日,委员会提交了研究报告。


With the rest of Canada failing to understand Quebec’s aspirations, the commission recommended that the Quebec National Assembly enact legislation on Quebec’s political and constitutional future that would require a referendum on sovereignty in June or October 1992. Two parliamentary commissions were also proposed in the event the yes side won the referendum (one to study the process of achieving sovereignty and the other to study any partnership offer made by Canada).

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鉴于加拿大其他省份对魁北克省诉求的不理解,委员会建议魁北克省议会就魁北克省的宪法地位和政治未来通过一项法律,预定在 1992 年 6 月或 10 月举行一次关于独立问题的全民公投。另外,委员会还建议省议会为独立派获胜的公投结果设立两个专门委员会,一个研究建国方式,一个研究和加拿大其他地区如何建立合作伙伴关系。


Allaire Report 阿莱尔报告

15-saga-of-canada-s-constitutionThe failure of Meech, which Quebecers saw as a clear message from the rest of Canada, sparked a great revival of nationalist sentiment in Quebec. Even the historically federalist Quebec Liberal Party adopted the Allaire Report (in March 1991). A true attack on Canada’s federal system, the report proposed a major transfer of powers whereby Quebec would be granted exclusive control over 22 areas of jurisdiction.

魁北克民众认为《密奇湖协议》的破产是加拿大其他省份对他们的诉求的明确表态。在此之后,魁北克独立运动空前高涨。甚至连本来是老牌联邦派的魁北克自由党也在 1991 年 3 月通过了“阿莱尔报告”。这实际上是一篇反对加拿大联邦制的檄文。


Under the federal reform proposed, other than nine areas of shared jurisdiction, Ottawa would keep exclusive control over only five areas (defence, tariffs, currency, equalization, management of public debt). The reform also included abolishing the Canadian Senate and adopting a constitutional amending formula requiring the approval of at least half of Canada’s population, with Quebec necessarily included.

根据这份报告提出的改革建议,联邦政府可以全权控制的只有国防,海关,货币,财政均衡,和共同债务管理这五个管辖范围。另有九个管辖范围由联邦和省政府共同管理。报告还建议取消参议院,以及修宪模式必须被包括魁北克在内的 50% 人口所接受。


Charlottetown Accord 历史性的夏洛特敦协议

16-saga-of-canada-s-constitutionIn March 1992, former prime minister Joe Clark, appointed by Brian Mulroney to resume constitutional negotiations, called for a new round of multilateral negotiations between Ottawa, the nine English-speaking provinces, the two territories as well as four Aboriginal leaders. They arrived at a proposal on July 7, 1992, that would grant the essence of Meech to Quebec, a representative Senate for the Western provinces and a right to self-determination for Aboriginal peoples.

1992 年 3 月,加拿大前总理克拉克受马尔罗尼委托,召集新一轮多边宪法谈判,参加者有联邦政府,九个英语省份,两个北方地区和四位原住民代表。1992 年 7 月 7 日,谈判各方达成一致,建议给予魁北克省特殊地位,设立代表西部省份的代议制参议院,并给予原住民自治权。


Quebecers remained cautious about this so-called historic accord. Ottawa announced in August 1992 that a national referendum would be held on ratifying the constitutional agreement. On October 26, the Charlottetown Accord was rejected by six provinces (including Quebec with 56% of voters saying no).

魁北克人对这项被认为是历史性的《夏洛特敦协议》持审慎态度。联邦政府在 1992 年 8 月宣布就这项协议举行全民公投。10 月 26 日公投结果揭晓:包括魁北克省在内的六个省份否决了这项协议,其中魁北克省有 56% 的人投了反对票。


Second referendum on Quebec sovereignty 魁北克省的第二次独立公投

17-saga-of-canada-s-constitutionMeanwhile, the sovereignty option, fuelled by the constitutional failures of the previous years, was gaining in popularity in Quebec. In 1994, the Parti québécois was swept into power. Premier Jacques Parizeau promptly tabled draft legislation on Quebec sovereignty. In June 1995, sovereignist forces (including the Parti québécois, the Bloc québécois and Action démocratique du Québec) shifted into high gear. The second referendum proposed to Quebecers a sovereign Quebec coupled with an economic and political partnership negotiated with the rest of Canada.

与此同时在魁北克省,几年来宪法谈判屡屡失败,使独立主张日益深入人心。1994 年,魁北克党在省选中获胜,总理帕里佐上台后很快就独立问题提出法律草案。1995 年 6 月,由魁北克党,魁北克党团和魁北克民主行动党组成的独立派力量决定发起第二次独立公投,要求魁北克民众决定是否愿意建立一个和加拿大其他地区保持政经合作关系的独立主权国家。


On October 30, 1995, sovereignty was rejected by a slim margin (50.6% voted no and 49.4% voted yes). Voter turnout for the referendum topped 93%. The day after the defeat, Jacques Parizeau stepped down as premier. The head of the Bloc québécois, Lucien Bouchard, took over as Parti québécois leader.

独立公投在 1995 年 10 月 30 日举行,投票率超过 93%。支持独立的票数占 49.4%, 反对独立的票数为 50.6%。独立派以微弱差距败北。第二天,帕里佐辞去省总理职务。魁北克党领袖一职也由魁北克党团领袖布沙尔接任。


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18-saga-of-canada-s-constitutionA few days after the referendum, Prime Minister Jean Chrétien announced that had the yes side won with a very slim majority, he would have deliberately blocked Quebec’s secession process. Lucien Bouchard responded by saying that he would hold a third referendum on sovereignty once “winning conditions” were met and that if Quebecers had to accept a no at 50.6%, Ottawa would have to accept a yes with a similar percentage.

几天后,联邦总理克雷蒂安表示,即使当晚独立派取胜,如果所获多数过于微弱的话,他还是会阻止魁北克独立。布沙尔针锋相对地表示,他将在具有“获胜条件”时举行第三次独立公投,而且,到时候不论独立派以多么微弱的多数获胜,联邦政府也必须接受,就像这次魁北克人接受联邦派以 1.2% 之差获胜一样。


Calgary Declaration 《卡尔加里宣言》

19-saga-of-canada-s-constitutionSince the second referendum on sovereignty was only narrowly defeated, the nine premiers of the English-speaking provinces decided to take action before Quebec left Canada for good. They met in Calgary in 1997 and reopened constitutional talks in an effort to find a proposal that would bring Quebec back into the constitutional fold. Quebec Premier Lucien Bouchard refused to attend. In September 1997, the nine premiers submitted the Calgary Declaration to the provinces and Ottawa for approval. The declaration recognized Quebec’s “unique character” within the Canadian Confederation while asserting the equality of all the provinces.

第二次独立公投双方的差距如此之小,独立派险些获胜。这使加拿大其他省份感到无法掉以轻心,必须在魁北克真的脱离加拿大之前采取行动。1997 年,九个英语省份的总理在卡尔加里举行会议,试图为魁北克省回归宪法找出解决之道。魁北克省总理布沙尔拒绝出席这次会议。1997 年 9 月,九省总理向联邦和各省议会提交《卡尔加里宣言》。这份宣言承认魁北克省在加拿大联邦内的“独有特征”,同时强调各省之间的平等关系。


But in Quebec, the Parti québecois government rejected the agreement, saying it had no teeth and contained nothing concrete about powers or recognition of Quebec culture and society. Every provincial legislature passed the declaration except Quebec’s. The problem of Quebec remained unresolved.



On August 20, 1998, the Supreme Court ruled on Quebec’s right to unilaterally declare its independence. The highest court in the land held that, under the Constitution and international law, Quebec could not decide unilaterally to separate. However, the Supreme Court added that Ottawa would have a constitutional obligation to negotiate with Quebec should a clear majority vote for sovereignty in a referendum.

1998 年 8 月 20 日,加拿大最高法院就魁北克省是否有权单方面宣布独立下达裁决:根据加拿大宪法和相关国际法,魁北克省不能单方面决定脱离联邦。但是,如果独立派在全民公投中明确获胜,联邦政府必须履行其宪法义务,和魁北克进行谈判。


The Supreme Court also stated that if negotiations failed or if Ottawa or the rest of Canada showed ill will, Quebec would have the option of unilaterally declaring its independence even though the move would be unconstitutional. The success of secession under these conditions would then depend on the international recognition Quebec would receive. The Supreme Court stressed that such recognition “would not, however, provide any retroactive justification for the act of secession, under the Constitution of Canada or international law.”



Social Union 联合社会服务协议

20-saga-of-canada-s-constitutionDuring negotiations on a social union, Quebec again cut itself off from the other provinces when it refused in February 1999 to sign an agreement that it called a step backward for Quebec. Approved by nine provinces, the Social Union Framework Agreement limited Ottawa’s right to unilaterally create new programs related to social assistance, education, health and social services without the consent of the majority of the provinces. Also granted to the provinces was the right to opt out of federal programs with compensation.

在关于联合社会服务协议的谈判中,魁北克省再一次陷于孤立。1999 年 2 月,除魁北克省以外的九个省签署了这份协议。该协议限制联邦政府在社会福利,教育,卫生和社会服务领域不经多数省份同意单方面开设新项目的权力。另外,各省有权退出联邦项目并获得相关的财政补偿。


Ottawa, however, got around the new provisions by reserving the right to create programs providing direct assistance to citizens, like the millennium scholarships. As for Quebec, it wanted the federal government to withdraw completely from jurisdictions specific to the provinces and demanded that Ottawa instead turn over to the provinces the money it spent on areas of provincial jurisdiction.


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A new territory 新的地区

21-saga-of-canada-s-constitutionOn April 1, 1999, the Canadian government officially inaugurated a new territory, Nunavut. Located in the northernmost part of Canada, east of the Northwest Territories, Nunavut has its own legislature, elected members and institutions and is governed in the same manner as the Northwest Territories and Yukon. About 20,000 people live in this vast territory.

1999 年 4 月 1 日,加拿大政府正式设立了努纳乌特地区。这个新地区位于加拿大北方,西北地区的东面。它拥有议会及其他与西北地区、育空地区相同的行政权力。大约有两万人口生活在这片广袤的土地上。





  • BERNARD, André. La Politique au Canada et au Québec, Sillery, Presses de l’Université du Québec, 1992.
  • BOURASSA, Danièle. La Saga constitutionnelle de l’AANB – 1867 à Beaudoin-Dobbie -1992, Montréal, Société Radio-Canada.
  • La Constitution canadienne 1981-Résolution adoptée par le Parlement du Canada en décembre 1981, Ottawa, ministère des Approvisionnements et Services, 1981.
  • FORSEY, Eugene A. Les Canadiens et leur système de gouvernement, Ottawa, ministère des Approvisionnements et Services Canada, 1988.
  • LISÉE, Jean-François. Le Naufrageur, Montréal, Éditions Boréal, 1994.
  • MESSIER, Anne-Marie. Référendum-1995, Montréal, Service documentaire de la Société Radio-Canada, 1995.
  • Notes sur la Constitution, Gouvernement du Canada, Ottawa, ministère des Approvisionnements et Services, 1983.
  • WHEATON, Sandra. Chronologie 1995-1997, Montréal, émission Le Point, Société Radio-Canada.


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