


All Canadian citizens aged 18 or older are eligible to vote (even inmates thanks to a Supreme Court decision rendered on October 31, 2002). Only some public office holders, like the chief and assistant chief electoral officers, are ineligible.

除选举委员会主任及其助理外,所有年满 18 岁的加拿大公民都拥有投票权。根据加拿大最高法院 2002 年 10 月 31日的一项裁决,在押犯人也有权投票。


Electors can register on the list of electors drawn up from the National Register of Electors. To add their name, they can register at their polling station during the revision period, which ends six days before election day. They can also register at the special-ballot polling station, or at the polling station on election day.

全国选民登记处负责辑录和更新选民名册。姓名不在该名册上的人可以在选民核查(在大选 6 天前结束)期间去本区选举办公室登记,也可在特别投票办公室,或于大选当日在选举办公室登记。


Most electors choose to vote on election day in their riding, at the location given on the information card they receive in the mail.


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Electors are permitted to vote by special ballot provided they register at least six days before election day. Special ballots don’t list candidates, so electors must write down the name of the candidate they support.

但是如果选举日无法分身,选民也可以提前投票。选择这一投票方式的人需要在至少 6 天前登记。提前投票使用的特别选票的不同之处是选民必须自己填写候选人的名字。

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