
词汇定义:border services officer

工作签证特定雇主工作许可FAQvisa office公民身份入籍仪式工作许可宣誓书多次往返入境签证in good standingport of entryLMIA词汇的定义禁止入境Express Entry pool国家职业分类教育employer-specific work permitvalid job offer等待期身份implied status开放式工签Express Entry pool of candidatesdependent childletter of introduction

IRCC 网站 上对边境服务官“border services officer” 的解释如下:

Officers of the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), a federal government agency, who have the legal authority to decide who can enter and remain in Canada. These officers have many of the same powers as police officers, including the right to conduct searches, make arrests, and seize documents or goods.


加联邦政府机构拿大边境服务局(Canada Border Services Agency, CBSA)的官员。他们拥有法律权力,可以决定谁能入境、在加拿大逗留。这些官员有许多与警察相同的权力,包括有权进行搜查,逮捕和没收、扣押文件、货物。


IRCC 网站给出这些词汇定义的目的是帮助大家理解,这些定义并不是也不能作为法律方面的定义。更多信息可参考:词汇解释

时光在路上 最后编辑于:2020年10月11日

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