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在加拿大温哥华市,一位 62 岁的亚裔妇女通过每天收集空瓶子,向卑诗省癌症基金会(B.C. Cancer Foundation)总共捐赠了近 15,000 加元。

21年来,这位名叫 Gia Tran 的妇女几乎天天都会去卑诗省癌症基金会的办公室,把自己捡回收瓶子后换来的钱交给基金会。

卑诗省癌症基金会说,这么多年来,Gia Tran 交给基金会的钱大约已经达到 15,000加元。


Even though her children have tried to get her to slow down, Tran says she ignores them and heads out to collect bottles nearly every day. 



加拿大广播公司报道说,Gia Tran 住在 Hastings 和 Main 街附近,她天天在这个地区散步,寻找可以回收的瓶子。


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对于自己如何能坚持这么多年,Gia Tran 解释说,21年来,这已经变成了一个习惯, 她说,我觉得这样做,让大家高兴,我也高兴。


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dale mccracken
This is what being a truly decent human being is about.Haven't heard any stories like this by a white national.The joy of freedom in Canada is demonstrated by this deed.
Thank you Gia

Dave Singh
genuine, sincere and touching attempts to ameliorate the human condition...acts worthy of praise.

Agan kunic
Warm hearted, human and selfless acts of kindness. Bravo!

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Khanh Nguyen
A beautiful story, may she stay healthy and happy as always. She is deserved to be in the next version of the World Needs More Canada book.

Ron Battiston
Gia is a beautiful Lady. What a wonderful thing to do to help others. I see that she is missing a tooth on her upper jaw. Do we have any wonderful dentists out there that would like to donate a tooth implant to her? She earned it!

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James Stanton
You are a hero and we salute you!

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