
词汇定义:restoration of status

valid job offerpanel physicianletter of introduction加拿大指定院校employer-specific work permit多次入境签证dependent child等待期身份-DLI-eMedicalaffidavit快速通道宣誓书pool of candidatesfull-time work安排就业认可边境服务官劳动力市场影响评估Labour Market Impact Assessment担保人开放式工签CAQ国家职业分类National Occupational Classification访客记录

IRCC 网站 上对恢复身份(访客、学生或劳工)“Restoration of status (as a visitor, student or worker)” 的解释如下:

A visitor, worker or student who loses status can apply to restore it within 90 days. To be eligible, you must:

  • submit the application within 90 days of losing status
  • explain the facts and circumstances that prevented you from complying with the conditions of the permit, and
  • meet all the remaining conditions on the permit.

There is a fee to restore status.



  • 在失去身份90天内递交该申请
  • 对自己为何没有遵守许可文件上的条件做出解释,并且
  • 满足许可文件上的所有其余条件



IRCC 网站给出这些词汇定义的目的是帮助大家理解,这些定义并不是也不能作为法律方面的定义。更多信息可参考:词汇解释

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