加拿大移民部长弗雷泽(Sean Fraser)表示,从2022年11月16日开始,加拿大在移民项目中实施新的《国家职业分类》(National Occupation Classification NOC),将在如医疗护理、建筑和运输等高度需求的行业引进国际人才。
- 工资单管理员 (payroll administrators)
- 牙科助理和牙科实验室助理(dental assistants and dental laboratory assistants)
- 护士助理、护理员和病人服务助理(nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates)
- 药房技术助理和药房助理(pharmacy technical assistants and pharmacy assistants)
- 小学和中学教师助理(elementary and secondary school teacher assistants)
- 地方治安人员和法警(sheriffs and bailiffs)
- 惩教人员(correctional service officers)
- 市政执法人员和其他监管人员(by-law enforcement and other regulatory officers)
- 美容师、电疗师和相关职业(estheticians, electrologists and related occupations)
- 住宅和商业安装人员和服务人员(residential and commercial installers and servicers)
- 灭虫人员和熏蒸驱虫员 (pest controllers and fumigators)
- 其他修理及服务人员(other repairers and servicers)
- 运输卡车司机(transport truck drivers)
- 公共汽车司机、地铁司机和其他公交运营人员(bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators)
- 重型设备操作员(heavy equipment operators)
- 飞机装配工和飞机装配检查员(aircraft assemblers and aircraft assembly inspectors)