
Edmonton 申请处理中心




1. 申请处理中心索要的文件(注:即向你索取补充文件)

发送文件到Edmonton申请处理中心(CPC Edmonton):

Case Processing Centre in Edmonton
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
c/o General, Station 005 
9700 Jasper Avenue NW, Suite 55 
Edmonton, AB T5J 4C3


2. 申请的邮寄地址

 2.1  Permanent residence (caregivers) - 永久居留(护理员)

2.1.1 Live-in caregiver - 住家保姆


Case Processing Centre in Edmonton
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
c/o PR (LC), Station 800
9700 Jasper Avenue NW, Suite 55
Edmonton, AB T5J 4C3

2.1.2 Caring for children - 照看儿童


Case Processing Centre in Edmonton
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
c/o PR (CG), Station 801
9700 Jasper Avenue NW, Suite 55
Edmonton, AB T5J 4C3

2.1.3  High medical needs - 高医疗需求


Case Processing Centre in Edmonton
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
c/o PR (HMN), Station 803
9700 Jasper Avenue NW, Suite 55
Edmonton, AB T5J 4C3

2.1.4  Interim pathway for caregivers - 临时护理人员途径

Case Processing Centre in Edmonton
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
c/o PR (CG), Station 805
9700 Jasper Avenue NW, Suite 55
Edmonton, AB T5J 4C3

2.1.5 Home child care provider pilot - 家庭儿童看护试点



Case Processing Centre in Edmonton
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
c/o PR (HCCP Stage 2), Station 807
9700 Jasper Avenue NW, Suite 55
Edmonton, AB T5J 4C3


Case Processing Centre in Edmonton
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
c/o PR (HCCP Stage 1), Station 806
9700 Jasper Avenue NW, Suite 55
Edmonton, AB T5J 4C3

2.1.6 Home support worker pilot - 家庭支持劳工试点



Case Processing Centre in Edmonton
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
c/o PR (HSW Stage 2), Station 809
9700 Jasper Avenue NW, Suite 55
Edmonton, AB T5J 4C3


Case Processing Centre in Edmonton
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
c/o PR (HSW Stage 1), Station 808
9700 Jasper Avenue NW, Suite 55
Edmonton, AB T5J 4C3


 2.2  Right of Permanent Resident Fee loan - 永久居留权费贷款


Case Processing Centre in Edmonton
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
c/o PR (LC), Station 800
9700 Jasper Avenue NW, Suite 55
Edmonton, AB T5J 4C3

 2.3  Temporary residence (visiting, studying, working) - 临时居留(访问、学习、工作)

2.3.1 访问


Case Processing Centre in Edmonton
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
c/o Visitor and Temporary Resident Permits, Station 303
9700 Jasper Avenue NW, Suite 55
Edmonton, AB T5J 4C3

2.3.2 Study - 学习


Case Processing Centre in Edmonton
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
c/o Study permits, Station 101
9700 Jasper Avenue NW, Suite 55
Edmonton, AB T5J 4C3

2.3.3 Work - 工作

- New employer applications - 新雇主申请


Case Processing Centre in Edmonton
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
c/o Work permits/New employer, Station 555
9700 Jasper Avenue NW, Suite 55
Edmonton, AB T5J 4C3

- Extensions with the same employer - 同一雇主的工签延期(没有换雇主)


Case Processing Centre in Edmonton
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
c/o Work permits/Same employer, Station 202
9700 Jasper Avenue NW, Suite 55
Edmonton, AB T5J 4C3

- Spouses or common-law partners - 配偶或同居伴侣


Case Processing Centre in Edmonton
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
c/o Work permits for spouses or common-law partners, Station 777
9700 Jasper Avenue NW, Suite 55
Edmonton, AB T5J 4C3

- Asylum claimants - 庇护申请人


Case Processing Centre in Edmonton
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
c/o Initial work permits for asylum claimants, Station 888
9700 Jasper Avenue NW, Suite 55
Edmonton, AB T5J 4C3

- Atlantic Immigration Pilot - 大西洋移民项目(注:如何通过此项目移民


Case Processing Centre in Edmonton
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
Atlantic Immigration Program
c/o Atlantic Immigration work permit, Station 999
9700 Jasper Avenue NW, Suite 55
Edmonton, AB T5J 4C3

- Seasonal fish plant workers - 季节性鱼类工厂劳工/鱼类工厂季节性劳工


Case Processing Centre in Edmonton
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
c/o Seasonal Fish Plant Workers, Station 999
9700 Jasper Avenue NW, Suite 55
Edmonton, AB T5J 4C3


2.3.4 Work and study (student work permit) - 工作并学习(学生工签)

- New employer applications (including co-op, off-campus work permits and internships) - 新雇主申请(包括合作实习、校外和实习工签)


Case Processing Centre in Edmonton
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
c/o Student Work Permits/New Employer, Station 555
9700 Jasper Avenue NW, Suite 55
Edmonton, AB T5J 4C3

- Extensions with the same employer (including co-op, off-campus work permits, internships and post-graduation work permits) - 同一雇主的情况下的延期(包括合作实习、校外、实习和毕业工签)


Case Processing Centre in Edmonton
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
c/o Student work permits/Same employer, Station 202
9700 Jasper Avenue NW, Suite 55
Edmonton, AB T5J 4C3



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