

词汇定义:common-law partner

词汇定义:common-law partner

IRCC 网站 上对 “common-law partner” 的解释如下: A person who has been living with another person in a conjugal relationship ...


IRCC 网站 上对 “eMedical” 的解释如下: An online tool that doctors approved by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada ...
词汇定义:principal applicant

词汇定义:principal applicant

IRCC 网站 上对 “principal applicant” 的解释如下: When a family applies together, one member must be the main or “principal” ...


IRCC 网站 上对 “university” 的解释如下: A stage of higher education that comes after high school. Universities issue three ...


IRCC 网站 上对 “college” 的解释如下: A stage of higher education that comes after high school. Colleges offer one- to three ...
词汇定义:instruction guide

词汇定义:instruction guide

IRCC 网站 上对 “instruction guide” 的解释如下: Instruction guides are documents that provide: information a person must kno ...


IRCC 网站 上对 “naturalization”(归化,入籍) 的解释如下: The formal process by which a person who is not a Canadian citizen can b ...
词汇定义:protected person

词汇定义:protected person

IRCC 网站 上对 “protected person” 的解释如下: A person who has been determined to be a Convention refugee or person in simi ...
词汇定义:refugee claimant

词汇定义:refugee claimant

IRCC 网站 上对 “ refugee claimant” 的解释如下: A person who has applied for refugee protection status while in Canada and i ...
词汇定义:certified photocopy

词汇定义:certified photocopy

IRCC 网站 上对 “ certified photocopy” 的解释如下: A photocopy of an original document. It must be readable and certified as ...
词汇定义:middle school

词汇定义:middle school

IRCC 网站 上对“middle school”的解释如下: An institution that provides educational programs for grades 7 and 8, in between e ...
词汇定义:secondary school

词汇定义:secondary school

IRCC 网站 上对“secondary school”的解释如下: An institution that provides an education to students who have completed elemen ...
词汇定义:elementary school

词汇定义:elementary school

IRCC 网站 上对“elementary school”的解释如下: An institution that provides educational programs for children, starting betwe ...


IRCC 网站 上对 “age” 的解释如下: When referring to the age of a permanent or temporary resident in CIC's statistical inform ...


IRCC 网站 上对 “affidavit” 的解释如下: A document becomes an affidavit when a person signs the document, in the presence of ...


IRCC 网站 上对 “adoption” 的解释如下: A process whereby a person becomes a member of another family. This process must crea ...


IRCC 网站 上对 “inadmissibility” 的解释如下: When a person is not allowed to enter or stay in Canada. Reasons can include s ...


IRCC 网站 上对 “address” 的解释如下: An address is the place where a person is living right now. It can be identified by su ...
词汇定义:arranged employment

词汇定义:arranged employment

IRCC 网站 上对安排就业认可“arranged employment”的解释如下: Arranged employment is when you have a job offer from a Canadian emplo ...